Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tree Patch Picking

We went for our annual Christmas tree hunt at our friends tree patch in Banner Elk last Saturday. Ollie picked out the tree all by himself and he definitely got the perfect one. We had a great time running around the tree patch, but we wished daddy and hazel could've come...it was just way too cold for her. There's always next year!
Mommy and Ollie selfie, riding on the tractor

Out in the tree patch

Obligatory pic with the old truck

Loving the hayride and especially the tractor 

Thank you M&M Farms for our awesome tree and a fun afternoon! Stay tuned for pics of our decorated tree!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Banner Elk Christmas Parade

Lots of fun riding in the parade with VPC Builders!

Ollie throwing candy

The parade up ahead 

Ollie and John David

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Thankful Holiday

Thanksgiving 2016 was great, to say the least. We are so thankful for the amazing family and friends we have. You all make our lives so special and I'm so happy to share all of you with our children, who also love you so much. 

The only picture I took at Smith Family Thanksgiving 
Two happy girls with full bellies after a delicious Thanksgiving feast! Thank you Grammy and DeDat for a super fun, laid back and tasty holiday. We love you bunches!

Thanksgiving weekend we went to visit our family in Charlotte. These kiddos had a blast! 

A morning full of magna tiles

Sweet Caroline with her only girl cousin, they both can't wait to get girl power on these boys

Cute siblings

Sweet pic with Grandaddy

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hazel Rivers - 11 Months

Little Miss Personality...she loves to dance, clap her hands, give kisses and hive fives. She talks up a storm with all the babbles you could possibly think of. For sure words are Mama, Dada, hey, and baa baa. She does have a version for Moo and an interesting obsession with all things farm/barn yard related. Old MacDonald is her favorite right now, it's pretty cute. 

We love you Hazel! We can't wait to see what you'll do next!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Happy 5 Ollie!

Well, it's official.  We have a 5 year old! 

Celebrating at school on his birthday

Number 5 pancakes

A birthday Eve's dinner request...spaghetti and meatballs

No birthday would be complete without a trip to our favorite Mexican restaurant to celebrate

Thank you to all of our friends and family who made  Ollie's birthday so special. He loved all his gifts and really didn't get that upset that he wasn't able to have his bowling party. Poor Ollie was sick with laryngitis and we had to cancel. The afternoon of his party we just cuddled, watched a movie and took a nap with Ollie

Happy Birthday Ollie! We love you so much ❤️

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Apple Picking

Just some afternoon apple picking down the street at our neighbors house

They sure were tasty!