Thursday, April 26, 2012

5.5 Months

Love his cute face!

All bundled up after a successful bath.  He's still trying to decide if he likes bathtime, but for the most part he's pretty happy about getting all cleaned up.

In just a few short weeks Ollie will be starting solids, so we got him a Tripp Trap, which is his cool new high chair.
O trying out his new high chair

Sitting up at the table

Ollie laughing
I love his cute little laugh! I just couldn't resist posting this video. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sitting Up

Ollie continuously adds to his list of tricks!  His latest is learning to sit up.  He really likes this new perspective of the world, but definitely needs a little help getting there.

A little help from his friend Campbell and her mom Angela

Bouncing on Dad's knee has become a favorite and brings on the laughs

Sitting up to play a little piano
Mixing some beats!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rolling Rolling Rolling

He's on a roll...

Ollie and Mom have been working hard during their morning work out time, practising sit ups and roll overs... he's getting pretty good!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just For Fun

Ollie Easter morning with his bunny sock monkey

Our funny bunny!

Finally, after almost 5 months, Gretchen decides she likes Ollie after all

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Fun

We had a great Easter weekend! Ollie had fun getting ready for Easter at home and then getting to visit with his grandparents, cousins and aunt and uncle down the mountain in Gastonia.
Made some easter treats at home

Ollie's Easter eggs!

The Easter Bunny came to our house

We had fun hanging out at my dad's house on Easter Sunday with most of our family being there

Group family pic with my Dad and Cathy

 Gary and Ollie

Family Shot

Ollie with his cute cousin Caroline

 Ollie with his cousins Wells and Caroline.  It was an attempt to get a photo of all of them together.

Ollie in his Easter outfit which he kept spit up free for the afternoon! Thank you Ollie!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Ollie went swimming for the first time at his buddy Jackson's pool.  I think he liked it and had alot of fun.  There was no crying involved, so that's always a plus!
Ollie and Jackson hanging out pre swim

Ready for swimming!

Taking it all in

with his buddy Jackson and his dad