Monday, May 28, 2012

Adventures in Baby Food

It's been about 3 weeks since Ollie started solid foods.  So far he has liked everything we have given him and his appetite continues to grow each week.  We're up to about 3.5-4oz of food 3 times a day and he eats every single bite.  Our regular rotating menu includes peaches, bananas, avocado, apples, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes and butternut squash.  We'll keep adding new foods and new textures as he gets older, but for now Gary and I have really enjoyed making all of Ollie's food.  It's pretty easy to just mash or puree anything in the blender.
Peas, such a great bright green color

Sweet Potato, again such a great bright orange color

Ollie's first time in a highchair out at the BBQ restaurant, enjoying some peas and sweet potato mix for dinner.

O eating dinner at the table like a big boy! The highchair is still a bit big for him, but I think he had fun trying it out. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Family Birthday Celebration

We went down to Charlotte this past weekend to celebrate cousin Wells and uncle Matt's birthdays. 
Ollie hanging out by the pool with Liza at Wells birthday party.  It was a little chilly so we didn't go swimming.

Wells with all his birthday presents! He really racked up!

Ollie enjoying some family time at Aunt Katy's house

Group pic, spending time enjoying a beautiful afternoon celebrating my brothers birthday on their back deck.  Happy Birthday Matt and Wells! We had a fun weekend celebrating with you guys!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Park Time

Ollie met up with his friend, Campbell, last week for some playground fun!  This is the first time Ollie actually got out of his stroller to play.

Ollie enjoying his swing time

Campbell showing Ollie how to get higher in the swing

Going down the slide with Mommy


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Ollie currently has two little girlfriends that he hangs out with...they are both a bit older.  Guess he likes the older ladies :-)
This is Ellie, she is 6 weeks older than Ollie

Ollie and Ellie facing off to see who could scream the loudest

Ollie and Campbell rolling around together after their sleepover.  Campbell is 18 months older and she just loves her some baby Ollie.  It's very sweet to watch her play with Ollie

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Big Boy Food

This weekend Ollie had a taste of solid foods for the first time! He's been eyeing us while we've been eating our meals, so we decided it was time for him to give it a try.  He loved it! We all loved it, Ollie had Gary and I cracking up with his first bites!

Ollie's first bite!

Yum, sweet potato

I couldn't stop smiling, it was so much fun

"what? I like other things besides milk"

Daddy had fun too

I can do it myself

Thanks Mom and Dad! I loved it! More please!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Boy

Ollie continues to amaze me with every new sound, facial expression and manuver he learns.  I can barely keep up with him, he changes so fast.  One minute you've got all his new stuff documented and figured out and the next minute he changes up everything.  At least it's safe to say there's never a dull moment in our house!

Making a funny face while enjoying some Bumbo time on the deck

Another silly face showing off his cute little dimple...Love it!!

Loving that tummy time and strengthing his core, Go Ollie!!

This the way we find him most of the time.  We put him down on his back and he almost immediately turns over to his stomach.