Friday, June 22, 2012

Sweet Ollie James

Ollie just continues to be the sweetest little boy! He just giggles and laughs all the time, that smile just melts my heart! He's getting so big, last week at the Dr he was 16.9lbs and 27.25 inches long. We've finally got our first two bottom teeth, thank goodness ! The entire teething process has been an adventure. Those two little teeth really did a number on my little guy. These pictures show off Ollie's super cute smile and playful attitude. We just love Ollie so much! He's the cutest kid ever!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

We celebrated Fathers Day with a cookout and invited Gary's parents over to hangout for the afternoon. Ollie had so much fun spending time with his Grammy and De Dat! The weather was pretty, so we spent most of the afternoon out on the deck. Got some great pics...Ollie's fathers day card he made for Gary, the 3 generations of Smith, some snuggle time with Grammy and a nice family pic. We all really enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing fathers day! Thanks Dads!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Addition

When we bought our house last summer our plan has always been to add on. Last week we finally got the ball rolling on this project. We had at least 10-12 trees cut down to make room for our addition. We are so excited and can't wait to share our progress over the next several months. These are a couple of before and after pictures of the tree removal.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Ollie is 7 months old today and just in the last couple of weeks he has changed so much! He has learned his "B's" sound, so he's constantly saying, "Ba,Ba,Ba,Ba.." He is cutting his first 2 teeth and getting pretty good at sitting up. Here's a couple pics of breakfast time. He thinks it's so much fun to try and feed himself. Mealtime definitely equals messy time!

Friday, June 1, 2012

6.5 Months

Ollie is 6.5 Months old! I can't believe how fast this time has flown by! On his milestone checklist he has mastered rolling in every direction, can sit supported and even sits up by himself for a few seconds. Also, he's figured out how to get his knees up under him, so I'm sure crawling is next on the list of things to check off. He weighs in at 15lb 9oz and measures 27 inches long! He is growing so fast!