Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sitting Up!

Finally! It only took 8.5 months but Ollie finally got it...sitting up on his own. Grant it this only lasts for a few minutes at a time, but I'll take it! This was the first morning we put him down sitting and he actually stayed upright. We're proud of our little guy! Good job Ollie, keep practicing!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

8 Months Old

Ollie is 8 months old and I just can't believe it! This time has gone by so fast! Let's see, what's new on his list of "tricks"...he can roll to just about anywhere he wants to go, can spin a 360 on his belly, he's desperately trying to figure out this crawling thing. He has cut three teeth so far and has three more on the way. Definitely has his ba,ba,ba,ba's and da,da,da's down. Now we're learning about finger food, which brings a whole new level of messiness at feeding time! He's getting pretty good at picking up those little bites. Everyday is different and Gary and I have enjoyed watching him grow and how his little personality changes. We love you so much Ollie!!!

Happy BDay DeDat!

Saturday we celebrated gary's dads birthday. Ollie and Gary grilled out hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone so that DeDat could just relax. Ollie had fun celebrating and enjoying the nice weather.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Porch Monkeys

When it's sunny and nice outside we love to hangout on our deck. Ollie really enjoys the sunshine and all the sights and sounds! He had alot of fun laughing and playing with Daddy on the deck last weekend.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy 4th!

Ollie had so much fun at his first 4th of July celebrations! We went to the Banner Elk parade and a fun cookout at Grammy and DeDat's house. These pics are Ollie having fun at the parade with his Auntie M and enjoying time with his cousins, Penley and Adali at Grammy and DeDat's house. Ollie had so much fun at the parade, playing with his cousins and spending time at Grammy and DeDat's!
Ollie playing with Adali and Aunt Amy
Me and Ollie at Banner Elk Parade
Cooling off with an apple juice popcicle
Ollie having fun in his exersaucer
Some parade action! Ollie liked the horses and all the animals in the parade
O watching the parade
Our 4th of July cookout spread! So good!
Happy 4th!
Ollie playing with Grammy
Watching the parade with Auntie M
Having fun with his cousins Penley and Adali

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Family Time at the Beach

One of the best things about our vacation was getting to spend lots of quality family time together. Ollie doesn't get to see Gary much throughout the week because he's working. So Ollie was so happy to get to spend a whole week with his Daddy! They walked on the beach, went swimming, looked for sea shells and we all went out to lunch.
Ollie loved going swimming with Daddy
Lunch on the harborwalk in Georgetown
Family shot of the front steps of our beach house
Gary and I ready to go out for our anniversary dinner and date night, 5 months in the making...We had a great time!!
Happy boy on the beach!
It requires alot of gear to camp out on the beach for the afternoon.  Thanks Ollie for letting us load down your stroller with all the essentials
A happy and relaxed mom and dad
Gary and Ollie being like the tree

Debordieu Part 2

Ollie, Gary and I had such a great time at the beach! We had fun hanging out with our family, playing on the beach, going on golf cart rides, fishing and crabbing. Ollie had so much fun playing with his cousins, Wells and Caroline. I know the three of them loved exchanging each others toys. Ollie loved Caroline's car and she loved Ollie's Bumbo seat. These are pics of all the fun activities Ollie did at the beach
Morning walk on the beach to find seashells
Ollie swinging at the park
Ollie chilling on the beach, he really liked laying under the umbrella and listening to the ocean.
Having fun in Caroline's car, he loved this thing!
Ollie and Gary post swim
Hmmmmm...when are we going swimming
Ollie before a swim
Ollie napping in his sun tent

Debordieu Beach Trip Part 1

Last week we went on the Harvey's annual beach vacation. My dad has been taking all of us to Debordieu for about 20 years. This year all of my siblings and their families got together for 6 fun days at the beach. My brother, Matt and his wife, Katy came with their 2 kids and my sister, Charlotte and brothers, Beau and Chip,along with my Dad and Cathy. This is a photo montage of all of us having fun out on the beach...
Katy, Caroline, Me and Cathy hanging out on the beach
Grandaddy and Wells swimming in the ocean
Beau, Charlotte and Chip
Caroline LOVED the sand!!
Wells burying his Dad in the sand
Ollie and Gary