Friday, August 31, 2012

Ollie Loves His Bath

This was last night during bathtime.  We got him a blue rubber ducky and he loves this thing! I was sliding it down the side of the tub into the water and he thought that was halarious!  I was laughing so hard, it made me cry!

Let the Crawling Begin...

Ollie has been working on crawling and he's finally figured out how to get around.  It's not the most perfect crawl I've seen, but it's definitely unique.  Left leg straight, right leg bent slightly while pushing off with his right foot.  Still needs to master getting his belly off the floor, but man he can really move!  He's enjoying this new lease on life by being able to get to places and things he wants.  Things just a bit more crazy and fast paced at our house!


Think I'll crawl over to the window to take a look

Trying to crawl under the chair, super safe..

I'm coming to get you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

9.5 Months!

Ollie is 9.5 months and I just can't believe how fast he's grown!  We went to the doctor last week for our 9 month check up and he is perfectly heathly and growing right on track.  He weighs 20lbs 7oz and is 29inches long.  Ollie has changed so much just in the last month.  Since he has learned to sit up by himself, which was only last month, he now waves bye bye and hello, gives a high 5, does the itsy bitsy spider, has developed a loud scream for fun, which I'm pretty sure he picked up from hanging out with his cousins, Penley and Adali.  He continues to laugh and talk and babble on and on.  Ollie is all about table food now.  He loves to feed himself!  Just recently his two front teeth finally came in, giving him a total of 6 teeth!  Now he's learning to crawl.  He's got this interesting left leg scoot thing going on, which I'm sure will be a full on crawl really soon.  Hey Ollie, if you could just slow down a little bit with all this growing up stuff and give Mom a minute to catch up, that would be great!

Happy Boy after blueberry pancakes!

Making sure he got it all!

Ollie LOVES his bouncy! He will jump in this thing for almost an hour.  It's his favorite thing and he can jump pretty high for just a little guy.

Bye bye infant carseat.  Ollie upgraded to a big boy carseat last week! He likes this seat much better, way more room!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Family and Friends Weekend of Fun!

This weekend Ollie got to spend time with some of his family and friends. On Friday his Bubbie and Grandpa came to visit. They had fun hanging out with Ollie at our house and then we all went out to dinner.
Sitting with Daddy at the head of the table
Fun at Mellow Mushroom with Grammy, DeDat, Bubbie and Grandpa Duck

Saturday we went on a lunch date with one of Ollie's girlfriends, Ellie.

Ollie and Ellie lunching it up at Black Cat Burrito!

Sunday we went to the park to get out and enjoy the nice weather and some swing time

Swing time with Dad


Opps, Ollie you lost your hat! He loves the swing! However, I just couldn't snap a picture fast enough to get his cute smile.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Professional Pics

While we were on our family beach trip this summer we had some professional photos taken. A specail thanks to Katy and Matt who had this all set up. They turned out great.  Just thought I'd share a few.

Gary Alan and Ollie, this one is my favorite! So cute!!

Ollie James with his first two teeth

My sweet boy giving me some snuggle time....Love it!

College Sports Fan

Ollie is gearing up for the upcoming college sports season. He apparently likes football and basketball. He has two favorite teams so far, the local favorites, Appalachian State and then UNC Chapel Hill.
Showing support for those Tarheels with his commemorative cup

"Show me that cup O"

Go Tarheels!!!!!!!!

Tipping his hat to the ASU Mountaineers!  Go App State! He's hoping his friend Campbell will invite him to a football game, since she has season tickets and all...

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Ollie is sprouting teeth one right after another. He's got 4 in already, his bottom 2 and his top 2 incisors and he is working on his 2 front teeth. Which feel like they are going to come through any day now.