Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Park Time

Ollie is one lucky kid!  He gets to go to the park all the time! Sometimes we meet up with friends and other times is just a family outing.  Either way, Ollie loves going to the park!

Banner Elk Park

Ollie's girlfriend, Campbell, came out to play

Campbell pushing Ollie on the swing

How sweet! Hugs and Kisses to Cam for pushing Ollie on the swing!

Valle Crucis Park with Daddy.  O getting pretty high on the swing.

Silly Face

"I love the Park!!"

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Time

Ollie went to our local,town made, pumpkin patch in banner elk last week.  He had fun looking at all the different kinds of pumpkins and choosing the perfect one!

Ollie and Momma with Charlie Brown

These are funny looking pumpkins

O found the perfect pumpkin, just his size

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall in Valle Crucis

This fall in the high country has been beautiful!  The weather could not have been more perfect.  Ollie has enjoyed going to the park in the afternoons and the fair last Saturday. 

Valle Crucis Park

Thinkin we look alot alike
Fun with Mommy

Valle Crucis Fair

Checking things out with Daddy

Having fun at the fair!

Having fun with Bubbie at lunch after the fair

Ollie's new favorite "trick," standing up in his crib


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all

This week in the mountains we have had such perfect fall weather.  The leaves are in full color, the days are mild with cool mountain breezes and the nights are just cold enough to turn the heat on.  Yesterday Ollie had a fun fall day outside.

Play in the leaves

Fun on the neighbors swing

"I love to swing!"

Swing time with his girlfriend Campbell

His new favorite this week...He's starting to get into everything

Monday, October 15, 2012


This weekend we all went to Oktoberfest at Sugar Mountain.  We had fun enjoying the gorgeous fall weather and hanging out with friends.  Ollie really liked all the Oktoberfest activities!

Having fun listening to the Oom Pah Band

Ollie hanging out with one of the Dirndal Girls.  This is our friend, Kristen, she really gets into all the festivies and she also serves the beer. 

Group pic with Gary's parents

Ollie showing off his new hat he got at Oktoberfest

Happy boy afterwards at dinner at The Bayou

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Here Piggy Piggy

Ollie's friend, Wyatt just got a little baby pig, named Pig.  So of course we had to go see the pig!  Also, this is a domestic pig.  Our friends do not live on a farm or anywhere near a farm, but they got a pig....I don't know why

Feeding "Pig"

I'm pretty sure I enjoyed that more than Ollie

Having fun on an afternoon walk to the swing in our neighbors yard
Snuggling up on the swing, it was kind of chilly that day