Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Ollie has been helping me get the house all ready for Christmas.  He has seemed to enjoy hanging the lights and the garlands.  I think what he liked best was going hiking in the yard to find the greenery and the pine cones.
Helping me with the lights

 Hey look, a pine cone
 Of course we had to stop and swing while looking for our festive decorations
Yea! Christmas Tree!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Into Everything

Ollie is into everything these days. It is fun to watch him explore and figure things out. He really has grown up so fast. He went from crawling to pulling up in a matter of weeks it seems. Now we are practicing climbing and walking along anything and everything he can get his hands on. His new absolute favorite thing is to climb the stairs. Super dangerous, but he loves it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving we went to visit our cousins, Wells and Caroline and our Aunt Katy and Uncle Matt. They hosted the entire Harvey sibling crew plus significant others. Ollie had so much fun celebrating his birthday and thanksgiving with his cousins. Caroline and Ollie bonded over O's birthday gift and over breakfast thanksgiving morning. We have so much to be thankful for!!!

1Year Check Up

So our computer has completely died and I've got some catching up to do with the blog. Ollie went for his 1 year check up on Nov 20th. He weighed in at 24lbs 9oz and 30.5" long. He's in perfect health and growing right along schedule for his age. Poor guy got 4 shots and a finger prick...