Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

My attempt to get a cute valentine picture of Ollie. We had fun trying!

Fun at Work

Always eventful when Ollie stops by Restaurant Supply. He is definitely our product durability tester, so our products not only hold up in a commercial kitchen, but they also hold up against a 15 month old. The best is the way Ollie sees the versatility in some products. For example, a bus cart can also be used as a walker.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Testing the limits

Ollie is into EVERYTHING now! You have to watch him every second. I don't understand how they're so little, but they're so fast. The kitchen cabinets are a favorite, pulling out every pot and pan making sure to scatter all over every inch of the floor. He's now learned to climb up onto the couch. He loves to roll, jump, lay and climb all over most of our furniture, but the couch is his favorite. Ollie is definitely testing his limits and ours :-). It's been a lot of fun watching!

Silly Ollie

Ollie can be so silly sometimes. He just cracks me up! From climbing onto and sitting on top of his toy box to putting his block bucket on his head, this silly little boy really knows how to make you laugh.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wagon Walking

Ollie has been practicing his walking skills with his little wagon/walker toy. He loves to push this thing around the house. He also enjoys putting all his toys in it so he can take his stuff to his desired location and then throw it all out onto the floor. Then it's pretty much repeat that all day. So he's still real close to walking on his own, but he's just not quite ready yet. Oh and he also likes to push around the kitchen stool. It's just the perfect height for him.