Monday, July 29, 2013

B ball in Blowing Rock

Ollie and Wyatt went for a quick pick up game of basketball at the park. No one actually scored any points, but they sure had fun throwing the ball to each other and running around all over the court

Ollie's game face

Half time equals snack time for these boys

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cute Now, Embarrassment Later

Ollie, I'm just going to go ahead and say sorry for posting these.  I can already hear you when you're all grown up going, "ahhhh mom!"  But apologies aside, you are just so so so cute! I can't help myself. 

Wagon Wheelin in the buff

This is the best one, sorry Ollie...look at that belly :-)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wildcat Lake

The closest beach around is in Banner Elk up at Wildcat Lake, so we decided to venture out and enjoy the much needed sunshine. We met up with our buddies, Jenn, Wyatt and baby Rhett. 
A few shots of our "beach" adventure...

Making a moat 

Digging up some sand

Have no idea what was catching his eye here

Ollie and Wyatt

Playing on the airplane swing

And then the swing

Monday, July 15, 2013

How to crack a smile

Ollie never disappoints when he gets in one of his silly little moods. It's always a no fail plan that's sure to make you smile and/or laugh. 

A sampling of his latest antics...

Mr Box-head 

Flopping around in Daddy's flip flops

Mr Bowl Head

Wearing Mom's cowboy boots

Hey hey hey...reverse camera so he could see himself

Ollie the Great

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bath Time with Pungo

Ollie loves his bath and he loves it even more when Pungo hangs out.  The laughs this kiddo puts out when Pungo is trying to drink the water is hilarious. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4th of July Cook In

We went over to Grammy and DeDat's for a cook out but the rain changed that to a cook in.  That was  ok because we found plenty of fun things to do inside

Check out what DeDat found

Hot Wheels Racetrack = hours of entertainment. 

On to our delicious Fourth of July spread...the corn was a real winner at this meal

Rain stopped for a few minutes and we got to play out on the deck

Ended the day with a tickle attack

It was a soggy 4th, but we had lots of fun anyways! Thanks Grammy and DeDat!

Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July Parade

We celebrated a fun and soggy 4th of July. The 4th was yet another day of rain of many days of rain that week. Side note,  it has rained up here for 8 days straight and finally today the sun is out and it's wonderful!  Anyways, we didn't let that rain take away our fun. 

Ollie kicks off his day with a red,white and blue breakfast

Then off to the Banner Elk parade. Luckily it did stop raining just long enough for almost the entire parade. 

Waiting on the parade to begin 

Watching the parade go by....Ollie really enjoyed all the parade participants and all the flags and beads and candy throwing

Waving at everyone in the parade

Some parade action....ponies and pigs and dogs. Ollie loved the animals