Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Sandbox

Yeah sand!

Maybe a quick catnap

Quick headstand 

Now doubt about it, I think this kiddo is definitely into sand. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Endless Summer

The weather here this last week has been so beautiful, it kind of reminds me of the beginning of an Indian summer. The leaves are just barely starting to change and fall, the days seem to be filled with mild mountain breezes and the nights are a perfect kind of cool. I really hope we have a long Indian summer this year, more opportunities for outside play!

Fun at the climbing wall in Blowing Rock Park

Peek a boo

Wyatt getting in on the fun

Next it was onto the sandbox

Jumping into the sand with Rhett

Wyatt did completely cut in front of Ollie, but it was all good, they made up

Nothing like a best friends handshake to smooth things over

Friday, August 23, 2013

Post Dinner

Most nights after dinner we like to play outside a little before bath and bedtime. Ollie usually plays car tunnel or lays on the deck and pushes his cars around. 

Another after dinner favorite is to push his wagon up to our neighbors house, the Upton's. 
He loves to mess "play" with everything on their deck

Rearranging their outdoor lights into their flower pots

Rocking on their rocker bench

Thank you Dan and Anne Upton for letting Ollie use your house/yard as his own personal playground. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Construction Update

Still plugging away on our project. Rain and little back injury put a minor damper on this weekends progress. Together Gary and I managed to keep things going for the most part. 

Got all the tongue and groove up in Ollie's room

Even got a few coats of paint on it

Painting the T&G for downstairs ceiling

Almost halfway done with downstairs ceiling 

Looking good!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

Operation Ollie's Room

Got another full weekend of work done in Ollie's room. Things are starting to come together and we're getting excited for the finished project. Here are some highlights from this weekends progress. 

Getting rid of old insulation and drywall

Framed in for new window

Some cosmetic touches for the new window

Window installed

Insulation installed 

So here's a before of the house outside

Now it looks like this

It looks awesome! Can't wait to get it finished! Again, a big thanks to Gary...great work!  We'll keep ya posted on our progress. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Head Dunking

There's no doubt about it, Ollie loves the water.  The pool, the river, the creek, he loves it all. 

Just admiring the nice river stream

Head Dunk

Campbell looking at Ollie probably thinking he's crazy...silly boy

Completely head to toe soaked

Guess he just wanted to cool off :-)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Operation Smith Remodel/Addition-Phase 1

This last weekend we got started on phase 1 of many phases to come for our home renovations and add ons. We have big plans for our cute little house and its been exciting to start acting on some of those plans. 

PHASE 1- Ollie's Room
O gets a larger room complete with new floors, new window and some paint. 

O's little loft is no longer

Bye bye drywall

Floor joists installed

Sub flooring installed

Just have to insulate, install flooring, paint, knock out loft wall and add a window. sounds simple, right?

Remodeling with a Toddler is a little tricky, but for the most part Ollie was pretty helpful

Our little builder

I would like to give a big THANK YOU to my awesome husband for making all this happen! Gary, thank you for all your hard work! Ollie and I are excited to see what comes next and happy to help you in anyway. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Romp and Stomp Room

Ollie's favorite room at The Playhouse is downstairs in the romp and stomp room. It's a fully padded floor with a climbing wall, ball pit, mini trampoline, sit n spin, big blocks and tunnels. Needless to say, it's the perfect set up for your little one to expend a lot of energy. 

The Ball Pit

In and out he's goes

Hey Rhett, "what should we do?"

"Put the balls down the tube"

Lots of fun with his buddy Wyatt and his little brother, Rhett

Hey Ollie..."come up for some air buddy"

The Sit N Spin

It didn't take long for Ollie to figure this toy out

The Mini Trampoline 

Lastly, some down time in the loft

Oh my, how we just love The Playhouse!