Sunday, January 26, 2014

Winter Wonderland

We got another round of snow showers and cold temps this week. The snowflakes were so big and they were falling so fast, it felt like we were living in a snow globe. 

Pungo came out to play with Ollie 

A little snow wasn't going to stop him from pushing his wagon

Ollie has really enjoyed all the snow we've been getting this winter 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow Day Round 1

So January in the mountains has turned out to be rather cold and snowy. We've had so much snow and cold, Ollie has only been to school twice this month. Guess that leaves more time for fun in the snow.  So that's what we've been up to, playing in the snow. 

Checking on the chickens

Fun with Mommy

Fun making snow angles with daddy

Tasting snow for the first time

Ollie is a fan of the snow

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our Little Picasso

Hmmmmmmm, what should I paint???

Painting can get messy

But it sure it is fun!

Yes, he made sure to get it all over himself

He loves to paint and prefers his fingers over the paintbrush any day

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Santa's Three Stops

Santa sure was busy Christmas Eve having to deliver Ollie's presents to three different houses. We're so glad he was able to find us for all of our fun Christmas celebrations. 

1st Stop....Harvey House
Santa's cookies and milk on the fireplace...Check

Some silly pics in front of the Christmas tree...Check

Presents delivered...Check

Happy boy Christmas morning....Check

2nd Stop. Home

Santa was definitely here. 

3rd Stop. Grammy's

Yeah, Woody! This has been one of his favorite gifts this year

Our little Santa :-)

What a wonderful Christmas we had with our friends and family. Ollie is just starting to get the gist of the holiday season and it's so much fun. We can't wait until next Christmas! So, I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, because we sure did! Oh yeah and Happy New Year!!