Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Ollie James!

Ollie had one fun filled weekend turning 3! He was showered with a bunch of gifts and loads of attention!

Loving his new Lightening McQueen house slippers. Thank you Bubble :-) Some of his other birthday scores are right behind him...Mega Blocks and a huge Trash Truck. 

We had a great time celebrating at Mellow Mushroom with Bubble and Grammy and DeDat. 

Time for the presents

Big dump truck was Ollie's favorite gift of the evening. 

Mellow's version of a birthday crust in the shape of your age and covered in chocolate sauce, powders sugar, cinnamon and whip cream. 

Happy 3 Ollie J!

The morning of his actual birthday...M&M pancakes with sprinkles. 

He loved it :-)!

Happy birthday Ollie! We love you more than anything in this world! I can't believe you're already three years old. I wish time would just slow down. However, we're excited to see what this next year and many more years bring. There's never a dull moment and you are very entertaining. Thanks for keeping us on our toes and keeping us smiling everyday. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Building with Daddy

Thank you Lowes Hardware for your "builders in training" projects.  This cold, snowy Saturday morning was a perfect time for these guys to build a trolley car. Ollie was in heaven from start to finish because he got to build like daddy. 

Didn't get a pic of the finished product, but watching these guys put it together was so cute.  It's moments like these that remind me to take a step back, breathe and just enjoy Ollie being a little kid. 

VPC Builders Photo Shoot

We had fun modeling our VPC gear and taking pictures for their November newsletter. 

The kiddos of VPC featured in their newsletter

Monday, November 10, 2014

Just for the fun of it

Trying out our new bike helmet while riding on the greenway

Always some silly shenanigans with these guys...superman and santa dress up

They have matching pjs

Pj dance party

Just a boy and his dog

Peek a boo

Happy November 1st...2-3 inches for our first snow of the season

Happy Halloween 2014

Since our son is obsessed with anything that is related to heavy machinery or construction of course he picked a trash truck for his Halloween costume. I really had my work cut out for me this year, but it was worth it to see how happy he was and how much fun he had trick or treating. 

The finished product pre trick or treating 

Trying it out at home before we head up to Banner Elk's Trunk or Treat. 

Let the Trunk or Treat fun begin

Penley, Adali and John David

2nd place winner in his age groups costume contest

He loved all the inflatables they had outside for decoration 

Oh and best of all, we got to meet Sponge Bob Square Pants
Ollie was so excited about this, it made his night

Earlier that day at school they had a hallowed celebration
Some of Ollie's classmates and me trying to get them pumped up for halloween and this picture...semi successful. A class full of 2 and 3yr olds is a tough crowd

I made a pineapple grape pumpkin for Ollie's school party

Great Halloween. Lots of candy and we can't wait for next year!

Spooky Duke 10K

I ran my first 10K in Boone on and around ASU's campus. Proceeds went to a great organization called Parent 2 Parent, which help out underprivileged families in the area. It was a great race and a fun 6.2 mile challenge. 

Cold morning in Boone before the race. Ollie getting me pumped up before the start

At the starting line...still really cold, think it was like 38-40 degrees with a nice mountain wind

Out on the course, running through downtown Boone 

Pretty excited about how close I am to the finish line

My biggest fan greets me at the finish. 

Team Smith family shot

Thank you to my two guys for coming out to support me and cheer me on throughout the race!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

Even though this is Ollie's third Halloween it was his first time designing and carving a pumpkin. 

It's Mikey from Monsters Inc. One of Ollie's favorite movies. 

He loved lighting the pumpkin at night