Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas in the High Country

We got home from Gastonia and found out Santa stopped by our house too.  

Then we went to Grammy and DeDat's house and Santa had been there also

Ollie really got a haul

Cute cousin pics with Penley and Adali

Even Scout got in on the fun. She was thrilled 

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

This was such a fun Christmas season watching Ollie really start to get into Santa and all the activities that lead up to Christmas morning. We had a busy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but we got to see a whole lot of family and friends. 

Christmas Eve dinner with our cousins, Wells and Caroline

Christmas service music provided by Aunt Char Char

The obligatory cousin/ grandchildren picture. These kids actually did really well staying still and posing for all these pictures. 

Love these cuties

Present opening craziness 

Cousin PJ picture... This is best one we got

Sweet baby beau 
He's so cute!

Setting out milk and cookies for Santa. Ollie was so excited

Christmas morning...checking out his stocking

Santa brought Ollie some really cool toys. A sit and wobble and a new bike, to name a few. 

After Santa we just hangout with the Family and tried out the new bike

Got some snuggles with my sweet nephew, Beau

Ollie loves his bike

We had a great Christmas in Gastonia with Grandaddy and Khaki 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Spreading Christmas Cheer

Ollie the elf

Ollie is still perfecting his photography skills, loves to use mommy as his test subject....guess this is payback for all the photos I'm constantly taking of him :-)

Christmas cookie making fun over at John David's 

All of our finished cookies

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

On the search for the perfect tree

Hmmmmmm, maybe a little big

Tagging the perfect one

Some tree patch photo ops

Hayride fun

Loved the blow up santa

Family photo time

The tree

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tis the Season for Parades

Ollie made an appearance and participated in all 3 of the High Countries Christmas Parades. This kid loves a parade! Rain or shine, Ollie had a great time!  We all had fun helping VPC Builders make their first Christmas Parade debut a success. 

Parade 1... Blowing Rock 

Pre parade line up

Lots of fun throwing candy to the crowd

Matt and his dog Thor

Blowing Rock was a super fun success!

Parade 2...Boone
A little rain wasn't going to dampen anyone's spirits at this parade 

VPC Truck

Parade 3...Banner Elk
This one was short and sweet. The weather was not ideal for standing outside and watching floats go by. Lots of rain this evening. 

Trying to make the best out of it with John David's parents 

Tis the season.  Rain or shine. We really did have a great time.