Sunday, April 26, 2015

Grayson Highlands State Park

Gary ran a marathon here last weekend. Ollie and I went with him to cheer him on and enjoy some of the park sites.  This state park is located about 30 minutes east of Damascus, VA. It has numerous hiking/horse back riding trails, including the Appalachian Trail, and some of the most beautiful views these mountains have to offer.  

Gary all ready to race

At the starting line...Gary's on the far right

On your mark, get set, GO! Run, Gary, Run!!!

Ollie was so excited to see his daddy and give him hugs of encouragement at the 9 mile aid station

What did Ollie and I do while Gary was running the last 17 miles of his race? We did a little bit of everything.  
A little bike riding around the campgrounds

We pushed each other on the swing set

We went on a really nice hike
Taking it all in before hiking up to Massie Gap

Almost to the top.  The views were incredible

At the top of Massie Gap

Wild ponies live in this state park, so we got to check those guys out

Ollie can say he has hiked on the Appalachian Trail

Our view hiking back down to the meadow where we had our picnic lunch

It couldn't have been a more gorgeous day. Ollie and I really enjoyed hiking around and seeing everything.  Gary ran a great race and finished within his time goal

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Charlotte Spartan Sprint

Gary and I, along with a few friends and co workers completed/survived our first Spartan Race.  This race is not for the faint of hearts.  It was a little crazy...

This course was 4.3 miles long,  had 22 obstacles and the most mud I've ever seen in my life

Our VPC Builders Team

Whitney, Casey and I getting pumped up before the race

Whitney, Casey and I after the race

Crossing over the fiery finish line

Some pics during the race

50 yard barb wire crawl

Gary's fiery finish

Then celebratory beers and congratulations after getting somewhat cleaned off

So, where was Ollie during all this....hanging out with Aunt Char Char. She took him to Monkey Joes bounce house indoor play place, Chic Fil A and the toy store. He had a blast! I don't have any pictures of their afternoon out, just a few of us hanging out at Aunt Char Char's house. 

Playing video games

Ollie made us breakfast Saturday morning

We had a super fun weekend

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Split, Stack, Split

A repetition that Gary is very familiar with and did a ton of to prep for winter. Thanks to his efforts we were VERY warm! 

I've been noticing how much Ollie mimics/picks up on everything and everyone. His favorite by far right now is to be just like daddy. He is always concerned about where daddy is, where daddy is going, what daddy is doing and lastly and probably most importantly, WHY????  It's super cute to watch Ollie do as daddy does. 

He's always willing to help daddy out

Split, chop, stack...Gary's favorite :-)

Watching these two together just melts my heart. They are the cutest things I've ever seen and I just love them to pieces!!! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Birthday and Easter Fun at Grandaddy's.

Over the Easter weekend we went to Grandaddy's house in Gastonia to celebrate his birthday and Easter. It was a fun weekend spending time with family.  

Happy Birthday Grandaddy!

Good times with the fam

Getting musically inclined....piano lessons from Aunt Char Char

Fun with the French horn

Enjoying the nice weather 

Looks like the Easter Bunny remembered to visit Ollie at Grandaddy's Sunday morning 

Easter egg hunt in Grandaddy's yard

Easter brunch at the Club

Ollie's Easter balloons 

Hope everyone had a fun and happy Easter!