Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Stump House

The boys worked hard most of the weekend to finish up Ollie's tree house. They made a lot of progress. Now all it needs is some paint and a couple of doors. 

Ollie is very excited about this project. 

Saturday morning...Daddy's little helper

Break time

By Sunday afternoon Ollie was enjoying that all that hard work paid off. 

Even Pungo wanted to hangout

Oh and he's happy the Wifi works out there, because what's playing outside without your iPad 

A Friday Filled with Bubbles

We enjoyed a fun filled Friday with Bubble and Grandpa and Honey and B.  We showed them around downtown Boone and grabbed some lunch.  Then we took Bubble out to her favorite Mexican Restaurant and surprised her with a birthday celebration. 

The whole crew...Bubble, Granpa, Honey, B and us

Me and Mom

Bye bye Bubble! Your visit was too short, but we were so happy to get to spend some time with you!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Boys and Their Creeks

There's not much in the way of swimming pools up here in the mountains.  So the rivers and creeks are the preferred choice and sometimes your only option.  The boys love it!

We learned about keeping the rivers stocked up with plenty of trout

Couple different varieties 

Thank you Valle Crucis Park! You never disappoint. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Happy Birthday DeDat

We took DeDat out to our favorite Mexican Restaurant for his birthday.  The celebration came complete with some sombrero wearing and fried ice cream!

Happy Birthday!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Looking for Worms in all the Right Places

Ollie has a rather new obsession, worms. He will walk around the yard and lift up every rock or branch he can find to see if there are worms under there.  He even finds worms in his birthday suit :-)...Sorry, Ollie for the naked pics. You are just soooooo cute!

Park Time

We're all about the park this summer!

Swinging with our buddies...John David and Alexander

Lots of picnics

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Happy 4th of July

We had a fun, but busy 4th.  2 parades, a cookout and a fireworks show.

1st parade was in Boone. We rode in the VPC Builders truck and passed out candy

Pungo even joined in on the fun

Then afterward we went straight to the Blowing Rock Parade. I have to admit, the Blowing Rock parade was a lot more fun than the Boone parade.  It's a bigger parade with more people and floats and you can throw candy. Ollie and I had so much fun throwing candy to everyone watching the parade. Blowing Rock usually has more interesting participants, like this guy...

Pecan the Cat

Family 4th selfie...waiting in the line up

On our way up to Main Street making sure we have enough candy

Blowing Rock Main Street is packed

Gary Alan did a great job getting us through both parades! He's a very safe driver, thanks :-)!

My favorite little firecracker! He was such a trooper! He had a blast!

Off to our 4th of July cookout...our friend, Casey, who also used to be Ollie's preschool teacher has the best house to host a party. Since she has 2 kids of her own she is a master at having tons of kids activities set up. There was a playhouse, cornhole, a little inflatable trampoline, numerous toys and they even rigged up a piñata.  All the kids were definitely entertained, leaving us parents to have a nice evening to socialize and relax. 

All the kids taking turns at the piñata 

No party is complete without cupcakes

Good food and good friends

Everyone getting ready to watch the fireworks 

Happy 4th!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It's just better outside

Summertime allows us to do more things outside and bath time is one of them...because bathing outside is just better. 

Ollie loves this, he'd do it everyday if we let him.