Sunday, August 23, 2015

It's a GIRL!!

We were so excited to find out that Baby Smith is a girl!

We did a fun little gender reveal with our cousins while visiting Grandaddy's last weekend. 

Pink silly string fight

Ended the day with some "it's a girl" suckers

Caroline was so excited that there will be another girl she can team up with to even out the boys.  She was so cute talking about her girl cousin :-)!  

Ollie couldn't be happier about getting a baby sister. We've been asking him all along if he wanted a brother or a sister and he almost always answered, sister. We are thrilled and can't wait to meet baby girl in December!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hometown Visit

Ollie and I went to Charlotte and Gastonia last weekend to hangout with uncles and aunts, cousins and grandparents. 

First stop, getting to spend the night at Aunt Char Chars house

Aunt Char Char has 2 pet turtles. Ollie was obsessed with Donnie, Charlotte's baby turtle

We had fun that evening going out to dinner and getting to see Uncle Chip's new house

Group pic at Uncle Chip's house

We got GoPro ready to hit the pool atGrandaddy's house

Wells, Caroline and Ollie had a blast swimming all afternoon

Ollie's gotten brave and has learned how to jump and loves it!

They loved taking turns with the GoPro

Taking a break to relax

Fun weekend!


1st Day of School

I don't know who was more excited, me or Ollie.  He's in the 3yr old class this year which means he goes to school 4 days a week from 9-1. This first week was a breeze for Ollie. He was happy to be back at school with all his teachers and friends. This year Ollie said, See ya Mom.  No separation anxiety for us, well at least for now.  He's grown up so much since the last two years of preschool!

Ready to go and really into the obligatory 1st day of school pics

A little comparison from last year to this year 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tubing the New

The VPC Builders company tubing trip was so much fun!  We all enjoyed a nice, relaxing float down the New River. Thankfully, the weather cleared and we got a warm and sunny afternoon. 

Ollie had a blast! He loved riding with mommy for a bit

He loved riding in his own tube for a bit

He loved riding with daddy for a bit

He also loved trying to swim down the river. He was all over the place, but he was having a ball!

The group floating down the river

The whole VPC crew

Blueberry Picking

We did some blueberry picking right in our backyard

Then we did some blueberry picking with our friends at the Banner Elk Winery

Colin, John David and Ollie...we all hungout afterwards and enjoyed that beautiful afternoon

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sleep Out

The boys had their very first sleep out in the treehouse this weekend.  Ollie couldn't have been more excited. 

It was a success. They stayed out there and slept the whole night. Pretty sure it took a while to fall asleep and it was early rising the next morning, but they had fun. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Glued Back Together

Poor Ollie. His head just can't seem to catch a break.  We took a little trip to the ER yesterday. Ollie got himself a nice little gash on his forehead. Poor thing, ran straight into a door frame.  

He was such a brave little guy! This accident didn't phase him at all

No stitches. Just glued it shut. Alł fixed up and ready to go!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Lake Day

Ollie's friend, Sophia invited us to come play at the lake last Thursday.  We all had a great time!

Paddle boating with Sophia, her older sister Ava and their mom, Zoe

All the kiddos tubing...Ollie had a blast. 

Best part of the day was seeing how much fun he had tubing

We did lots of swimming

Then of course, lots of fun on the boat

Trying to get Ollie and Sophia together for a good pic

2 happy moms! Our kids were happy and had fun all day, meaning we had fun and got to hangout :-)