Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Beach. Edited

Rough seas.  Storm a brewing

Ollie shell searching

Bubbles on the beach

Pungo the sea turtle 

Intracoastal Waterway. Southport, NC

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Just Another Day at the Beach

We had a great trip to Oak Island! The weather was perfect and we got lots of quality beach time. 

1st morning on the beach

Ollie LOVED the ocean! 

Giving baby sister some love. 

Spent lots of time just relaxing on the beach

Pungo enjoyed bird watching and sand bathing

Poor dog....Well, she actually liked it.  She laid in the sand for a long time

Looks like Bubble and Grandpa had a good time. I know Ollie enjoyed getting to spend time with them.  Ollie had fun spending his mornings with Bubble and going sea shell hunting. A big thanks to Grandpa for the endless games of hide and go seek, chase, cars, trains and motorcycles.  Also, all the swimming. Sometimes Bubble and Grandpa were the only ones wanting to go in the water when I thought it was cold and they didn't mind taking Ollie.  

Hanging with Grandpa

By far the coolest thing ever...sitting on Grandpa's motorcycle 

It was sad saying goodbye to the beach. What a great trip! Thanks to everyone for a fun and relaxing time. 
Photo credit goes to Ollie :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Beech Mountain Kite Festival

Kites, Rides, Games and hardly any wind.  We still had a great time!

Ollie decorating his kite

Lots of making our own wind...ran his little heart out

Look, kites!

2 little carnival rides. John David and Ollie loved the swings

John David's grandmother (Mama) was the only one brave enough to ride on the twirly ride

Good ole fashioned sack race

We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon of fun and friends