Monday, December 28, 2015

Hazel Rivers Smith

Well, Christmas came a little early for our family this year. We got to welcome our beautiful daughter, Hazel into this world on December 22nd.  We could not be more in love with this sweet girl!

6 pounds 12 ounces.  19.1 inches long

Ollie was excited, but probably a little freaked and overwhelmed watching his sister in the nursery 

He loved getting to hold his baby sister though.  It was such a sweet moment

Enjoying some sweet snuggles from Ollie

The hospital made us a special meal the morning we were discharged. It was a nice breakfast with a Christmas theme, well it was Christmas Eve, complete with fancy sparkling grape juice and gifts for Hazel.  There are volunteers for the hospital that knit baby booties, mittens and hats for the newborns. 

We're so glad you're here Hazel Rivers! 

Getting ready to head home

All set...first car ride!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree

We went out and got our Christmas tree from our friends at M&M Farms this past weekend. We just love the tree patch, candy canes, hot chocolate, apple cider and the hay ride.  

Out looking for the perfect one

Ollie couldn't wait to get home and decorate the tree, the star topper was his favorite 

All finished

We even decided to decorate the tree at the entrance to our driveway

Sweet moments in front of the tree...

It sure is pretty at night :-)

Friday, December 11, 2015

Boone and Banner Elk Christmas Parade

Taking part in the Boone Christmas parade with the VPC Builders crew

Ollie and Matt's dog, Thor

Later on that day we went to Banner Elk to watch their Christmas parade and the lighting of the town Christmas tree.  

Ollie, Penley and Adali enjoying the parade

Family selfie

Ollie and his buddy, Elijah, waiting on the tree lighting ceremony. Dad's shoulders are the best seat

Banner Elk Town Christmas Tree. Happy Holidays!