Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sibling Snow Day

Hazel got to enjoy one of many snow days with her big brother. 

This photo credit goes to Ollie. 

Ollie playing in the snow, this was the first round of snow before we got 14inches that weekend

Hazel's First Bath

She hates it! Work in progress though, Ollie was the same way for the first 3 months of getting baths. Now you can't get the kid out of the tub.  Hoping haze feels the same way sooner than later. 

Poor least she's clean :-)

AMB Rail Jam

One of our first family of four outings was going to the brewery for the 2nd annual rail jam. VPC Builders once again built the ski ramp and we went to watch all the skiers and snowboarders. All proceeds from this event went to a local charity. It was so much fun getting out!!

The ramp and rails

Ollie checking it out

Hazel's first brewery outting! It was a success! She loved it!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Getting to know you

Ollie is doing pretty good with this huge change in our lives.  He definitely has had his moments and sometimes it hasn't been easy, but I think it's all pretty normal when your toddler world gets turned upside down and bam, you all of a sudden have a sibling "stealing" your attention.  

These sweet moments of Ollie taking an interest in Hazel and wanting to play with her make it all worth it. 

Just a few Haze pics...she's getting bigger. She's 8lbs 3oz now

Love these sweet baby snuggles

Meeting cousin Penley

Box Robots

Some nights ya just gotta get creative and goof around

2015 Christmas

So I completely forgot to post about Christmas. Things at our house were a little hectic considering we had just brought Hazel home from the hospital on Christmas Eve.  Having a baby and then having Christmas the day after you come home is intense! I did not get many pictures of our Christmas at home this year, I'll do better next year :-)

Milk and cake and candies for Santa

Santa definitely didn't miss our house

Ollie checking out his big gift from Santa...a big boy bike with petals

Helping sister open her present

Hazel's Christmas photo shoot

Monday, January 11, 2016

High Country Lanes

VPC Builders had their end of year party at the bowling ally. We had a great time bowling and hanging out with everyone. This was actually Ollie's first time bowling and he loved it!

The VPC Crew

Hazel slept through the whole evening 

Turns out Gary Alan is a good bowler...nice form :-)

Ollie and all the VPC kiddos 

The ramp was a huge help

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2 Week Check Up

Well, Miss Hazel went in for her 2 week check up today.  She is a growing, her weight is up to 7lbs 1oz and her height is 20.5 inches. So she is exactly where she's supposed to be...the Dr looked her over and said she was perfect.  
Let's see, Hazel is eating like a champ, definitely got this feeding thing down pat and she's working on figuring out her nights and days.  At 2 weeks she currently likes to be swaddled and rocked and held of course. She also likes to be worn in her baby carrier and enjoys getting her hair washed. We're starting to see more of her personality traits each day and can't wait for that first smile! 

Hazel waiting on the Doctor 

Just a few cute pics taken over the last couple days

All ready for Sunday Football 

Ollie and Hazel getting to know each other
He really is sweet with her, it's cute to watch him study her and try figure her out. Ollie has been good with this adjustment. He has his moments, but for the most part he's been a great big brother!

Loving the baby carrier

Look at that face, Ollie's face

Sweet Hazel Rivers

She's one sweet and cuddly baby.