Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hoppy Easter

I feel like we celebrated Easter for almost 2 weeks straight.  4 Easter egg hunts, 2 visits from the Easter Bunny and candy for days!

Giving the Easter Bunny some love at the Banner Elk Easter Celebration

Then a high five

Easter egg hunt at "The Farm"

Elijah, Sophia and Ollie

The kiddos doing a little "fishing"

Hazel enjoying the sunshine 

The Easter Bunny didn't forget our house

My sweet little bunnies

Easter Day at Grammy and DeDat's
The grandkids obviously love taking pictures 

Penley, our future babysitter!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Around the House

Sometimes it's just good to hangout at home

Taking some selfies

Lazy Sunday mornings watching IPad 

Snuggles with Daddy

Playing dress up

Bath time fun

Hazel has new favorite chair, she loves sleeping with her arms up

Look at that belly

Life in General

Enjoying lots of park time since the weather has been nice
Ollie and Sophia helping me stroll Hazel around

All bundled up and ready to watch Ollie ride his big boy bike

Gary giving Ollie a push

Afternoon stroll with Hazel's friend, Nora

Fun times at The Children's Playhouse

Voted in the primaries 

I love Ollie's style...he picked this outfit himself, he especially liked the socks
It doesn't matter how cold it is, he always wants to wear shorts

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Feeling the Love

Ollie has become quite the little helper with Miss Hazel. 

Helping daddy out with that 6am feed so mommy could sleep in...thanks guys!!!

Taking Hazel for a walk

Watching movies together

Taking care of a tiny spit up :-)

Just being silly

❤️ my kiddos so much!!!

This pic is one of my favorite. His shirt says it all, "Best Bro Ever"

Look at how much they look alike as babies
Ollie on the left-2 days old
Hazel on the right- 7 days old