Sunday, June 26, 2016

A New Perspective

Hazel wearing my baby dress, which my mom made for me...pretty sweet ❤️

So we're doing most things sitting up these days. 

Enjoying sitting on the deck

Avocado face

Dabbled in feeding ourselves 

We've found our feet

Sitting up in her bumbo seat 

Sitting up in her own Tripp Trapp Chair

Even sitting up in the bath now

Welcome to the table Hazel!

Hazel seems to like her new perspective on the world! 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Happy Father's Day

A big Happy Father's Day to Gary!  He is the sweetest, loving, caring, and selfless father to our children. He would do anything for these kiddos and they love him dearly! Thank you for all your hard work and for taking such great care of our family! We love you bunches ❤️❤️❤️

Father's Day cookout at Grammy and DeDat's. All the grandkids, minus Scout. 

2 of the coolest Dads I know, enjoying some Father's Day brews.  Ollie made the crowns

Love these cuties eating watermelon 

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there...thank you for all you do!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Just Enjoying Summer Break

Play date with our friend, Nora

Enjoying her reflection in the mirror after bath

Riding in the mountain buggy

Playing a little piano

Making our own crystals 

Helping Dad pour those piers

Silly boxtroll Ollie

Sweet sibling wagon rides

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Happy Graduation

We celebrated Scout's high school graduation at Grammy and DeDat's house last weekend. It was a fun afternoon filled with pizza, presents and plenty of play time!

Scout opening her gifts

Hazel sitting in one of her favorite spots...Daddy's lap

It was the perfect afternoon for lots of cornhole!

Happy Graduation Scout! We enjoyed taking the afternoon to celebrate you and your accomplishments. Good luck and well wishes on your new adventure off to college! We love you!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dig it, Mix It, Pour It, Build It

These guys have been hard at work getting our house ready for the new addition 

Ollie and Daddy after a busy weekend of digging

Before the digger

After the digger...kinda hard to tell, but it made a huge difference 

Mixing and pouring...repeat, repeat, repeat

Making progress 

Taking some measurements 

Then this happened 

It's better to mix concrete in the least no dirty clothes

This made for some slow going, but definitely worth it for this hilarious memory!

Building materials are here and ready to go...

Gary + Laurel = Ollie and Hazel ❤️

So let's see, all the footers have been dug, they've all gotten poured and the concrete piers are almost done. Next is to start laying down wood and drying things in. Very exciting!  I'd like to thank my sweet, sweet husband for all his hard work!  He works hard all day and then comes home and works on our house until dark. Also, Ollie has been a great helper! A big thank you to both my guys for all their hard work!  I love you and keep it up, it will all pay off soon!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A Solid Start

Started Hazel out on some solids last week. I don't really have any specific reason as to why I decided to start feeding her more than just breastmilk. I guess she seemed ready and I seemed ready, or maybe I was hoping more calories will equal more sleep...more calories doesn't equal more sleep, probably because in the beginning they aren't really eating that much, but just tasting and playing with this new food thing. Anyways, she's into it and liking most everything we've given her. Not a fan of oatmeal, but loves the classics. Banana and Avocado are a crowd pleaser :-)!

First taste of solid foods. She gummed it and sucked on it and loved it

Bananas for bananas...

Trying out a little oatmeal 

Had a little help from Ollie 

We've gotta get Haze her own Tripp Trapp Chair soon,  because Ollie doesn't want to share his and she's going to be ready for picking up and smashing food for fun soon.  For now it's either in my lap or in the upright, lock position in her bouncy chair.  Which is fine, because she really isn't eating that much right now 

It sure is fun to feed her, she makes some pretty cute faces
Enjoying some banana avocado smash

We're having a blast trying new foods