Monday, February 13, 2012


I thought it would be nice to try to do a brief recap of how the Smith Family came to be...
Gary and I had the most wonderful wedding!

 Just married, June 20, 2009 at St John's Episcopal Church in Valle Crucis,NC
We had the most beautiful reception at the Inn at Crestwood in Blowing Rock, NC

Follwed by the most amazing honeymoon to the Abacos Islands in the Bahamas

Nippers Beach Grill at Great Guana Cay

Our cute little bungalo

One of many gorgeous snorkling beaches! I loved the Bahamas and can't wait to go back!  I miss the white sand, turquoise water and island lifestyle!!!

Then after 2.5 wonderful years together filled with fun vacations, all kinds of new adventures and many, many memorable moments we were excited to find out we'd soon have a new addition to our little family!

April 12, 2011

 We're Prego!!!!

June 27, 2011
It's a Boy!!!  Gary and I were thrilled that we were having a boy!

The summer before Ollie was born Gary and I did a lot of things, enjoying our last months before baby arrived...

We did a fun run/walk on Beech Mtn called A Cool 5

3.5 months prego...After the race with our dog Pungo

We went on a relaxing beach vacation to the Outer Banks

Having fun hanging out on the beach

6 months pregnant with baby Ollie, hanging out with pungo after a swim.  Ollie loved the ocean, he was always kicking around while I was swimming

 Gary was Pungo's spotter while she floated around in the ocean on her back, she did that most of the time instead of swimming. I think she might have even fallen asleep being relaxed by the rolling waves

Since we went to the beach at the end of July, it was HOT! So being 6 months prego, I spent some time relaxing inside with the AC blasting.  The dogs seemed to like that idea.

September and early October finally rolled around and we bought a house!
 Starting to move in
Our house needed some minor renovations before it was live in ready.  A huge thanks to Gary for spending every extra minute he had fixing up the house!  A huge thanks to Big G for all his demolition duties and painting expertise! A huge thanks to Brenda for packing up our old house while I sat there and watched everything.  9 months pregnant isn't the best time to move if anyone expected me to help out much!  Gary's parents were a lifesaver in helping us move, we really couldn't have done it without them.  Thank You!!!

Happy Halloween
All moved in and counting down til due date, 15 days left!  Just an FYI, my mom wore this pumpkin costume when she was pregnant with me. 

Welcome Ollie James Smith
9lbs 21inches, born at 8:42 am on November 15, 2011

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