Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4.5 Months

Ollie is already 4.5 months old! I can't believe how fast time flys! We went for our 4 month check up and he is 15lbs 1oz and 26in long.  He can sit up supported, roll from his back to his stomach, still working on rolling from stomach to back, grabs at everything and puts it directly into his mouth and he smiles and laughs all the time.  It is the cutiest thing in the world.  He also continues to talk up a storm with all his funny little babbles of goos and gahs. 

Laughing and smiling.  I just love his little face, he lights up your day and it's the best thing in the world!

O in his jump and go for the first time

He's still trying to figure out just exactly how this thing works, but seems to enjoy just relaxing in it.  We'd like to thank our cousins Caroline and Wells for all the hand me downs and Aunt Katy for making sure they get to us!  Thanks guys!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Family Time

This last weekend Ollie's Bubbie came to visit for a couple of days.  We all really enjoyed getting to spend some time just hanging out and catching up.
Ollie and I hanging out with my mom at our house

Ollie and his Bubbie

Family Shot

Ollie loves his monkey sock bunny, which was an easter gift from Bubbie.  Thanks!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

OBX Celebration

We went to the Outer Banks to celebrate the life of Gary's Uncle Toby.  He passed away last month.  Uncle Toby was such a fun loving and friendly guy to be around.  He could always make me smile and laugh.  Uncle Toby lived in Kill Devil Hills in the Outer Banks. Gary and I really enjoyed getting to visit with him each time we were down there for our summer beach vacations.  He will be missed dearly by everyone!
With Gary's parents and Uncle Toby at our wedding

Merkel/Smith Family group shot at Uncle Toby's house

While we were down in the Outer Banks we got to enjoy a mini family vacation.  We spent our mornings walking on the beach and got to enjoy some incredibly delicious seafood at almost every meal.  Also got to see some of the historical sites the Outer Banks has to offer.

Ready for our morning stroll

Ollie loved walking on the beach! Put him to sleep everytime...

Cape Hatteras
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunday Fun Day

Since spring is just around the corner and it being daylight savings and all...We went on a family hike to enjoy the beautiful weather and longer hours of daylight.  We took one of the many carriage trails up to Moses Cone Manor, which is off the parkway in Blowing Rock.
Great view of the mountains and Blowing Rock

Enjoying the sights and sun on the back porch at Moses Cone

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sweet Dreams

I love to watch Ollie sleep!  He just looks so cute and so peaceful, it makes me smile.
Completely passed out on his boppy pillow

One of his many favorite sleeping positions, arms up and thumb in his mouth

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hiking Around

We've had a really mild winter for the mountains, but thankfully it's given us a chance to get out and enjoy the nice weather.  Ollie loves to go down to the park for a stroll or hit the greenway trail for a good workout on pretty days.  Lately he's been loving late afternoon hikes with his dad in the baby bjorn.

Fun time with Daddy!

Having fun hiking around our yard

Monday, March 5, 2012


Ollie has quite the social schedule for someone who is almost 4 months old.  He has recently enjoyed a picnic and watching his older friend Campbell play on the playground at the Banner Elk Park.  He also had fun kicking around at his friend, Jackson's house.

Campbell telling Ollie bye after their fun afternoon at the park.  She just loves Ollie and is so sweet to him!  She calls him "Baby Ollie" and I'm pretty sure that's going to stick until he is old enough to tell her to stop calling him a baby.
Holding hands and playing with his buddy Jackson.  Jackson is only 2 weeks younger than Ollie, so they'll have lots of fun growing up together