Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4.5 Months

Ollie is already 4.5 months old! I can't believe how fast time flys! We went for our 4 month check up and he is 15lbs 1oz and 26in long.  He can sit up supported, roll from his back to his stomach, still working on rolling from stomach to back, grabs at everything and puts it directly into his mouth and he smiles and laughs all the time.  It is the cutiest thing in the world.  He also continues to talk up a storm with all his funny little babbles of goos and gahs. 

Laughing and smiling.  I just love his little face, he lights up your day and it's the best thing in the world!

O in his jump and go for the first time

He's still trying to figure out just exactly how this thing works, but seems to enjoy just relaxing in it.  We'd like to thank our cousins Caroline and Wells for all the hand me downs and Aunt Katy for making sure they get to us!  Thanks guys!

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