Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ollie's New Friend

This weekend we went to visit our friends, Eric and Amanda.  They just had a baby boy 5 weeks ago and his name is Charlie.  We took Ollie over to meet his new little buddy and to have dinner and hangout for the evening.  Ollie didn't really know what to think at first, but he warmed up to Charlie after a little while.  We're going through this "strangers/unfamilar places are scary at first phase"

Hmmmm....I don't know about this

Oh so you can cry loud too

What's up buddy?

Comparing a 1 month old to a 10.5 month old.  Ollie looks huge next to Charlie!

I kind of like hanging out with this kid

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fun with Ollie

Ollie is so much fun to hangout with on the weekends or anytime, but the weekends are the best because everyone is home!  He seems to always be laughing about something and definitely has a grin on his face most of the time!  We got into a few silly little things this last weekend.

We went hiking at Trout Lake with Daddy and Pungo

Trout Lake where we say lots of people on horses and lots of people walking their dogs.  Ollie thinks all animals are funny at this point.  He laughs at our dogs all the time! He really enjoyed seeing the "big dogs" aka the horses.

Ollie's new favorite thing to do is hang upside down

Being silly sticking his tongue out while being held upside down.  He will let you do this upside down thing for hours, but my arms are only strong enough for a few minutes at a time.

Enjoying pizza at the Mellow Mushroom

Swinging in his Pj's.  FYI it's 1:30 in the afternoon and we still have our Pj's on

Thursday, September 20, 2012

At Work with Daddy

Ollie and I went to visit Gary at one of his jobsites this week.  A very cool, modern house on top of Seven Devils near Banner Elk, that Gary is putting the finishing touches on.  Ollie had fun seeing his dad in "action" and getting to see the fnished product! 

We found a cool egg shaped chair in the master bedroom

Checking out the modern fireplace and den

"sweet kitchen, great job dad!!"

back of the house is a wall of windows/doors that open up to the deck

"thanks for letting me come visit dad, awesome house!"

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ahhh The Weekend

Can you tell I had blueberry pancakes for breakfast?

After our current Sunday morning special, blueberry pancakes.  Ollie LOVES blueberry pancakes!

Here, have some of my sippy cup

A rare evening out for Mom and Dad.  Enjoying our friends wedding reception.  We had fun catching up with old friends who were in town for the wedding.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Visit with Grandaddy and Kacky

Over the Labor Day weekend we went to visit My Dad and Cathy, which is Ollie's Grandaddy and Kacky.  We had a great visit! Ollie's favorite part was going swimming.  He really enjoyed splashing around in the water and hanging out by the pool.


Kicking his feet

Swimming with Daddy

Fun with Grandaddy

O really liked the bubbles

Chillaxing after a swim with a bottle poolside

Ollie's new Wellie Boots! They are pirate themed.  Thanks Kacky and Grandaddy!

Fun at the park

Ollie loves the Valle Crucis Park! It's just right down the street from our house, so we get to go all the time!

Having fun on the swings!

Cooling off in the river...His first time, didn't really know what to think.  It was kind of chilly,so we didn't stay in too long.

Thanks for taking me to the park, Mom!

My attempt to take some cheesey pics of Ollie sitting in the grass

He was more interested in trying to eat the grass than have me take pictures of him.  So this photo session did not last very long.