Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fun with Ollie

Ollie is so much fun to hangout with on the weekends or anytime, but the weekends are the best because everyone is home!  He seems to always be laughing about something and definitely has a grin on his face most of the time!  We got into a few silly little things this last weekend.

We went hiking at Trout Lake with Daddy and Pungo

Trout Lake where we say lots of people on horses and lots of people walking their dogs.  Ollie thinks all animals are funny at this point.  He laughs at our dogs all the time! He really enjoyed seeing the "big dogs" aka the horses.

Ollie's new favorite thing to do is hang upside down

Being silly sticking his tongue out while being held upside down.  He will let you do this upside down thing for hours, but my arms are only strong enough for a few minutes at a time.

Enjoying pizza at the Mellow Mushroom

Swinging in his Pj's.  FYI it's 1:30 in the afternoon and we still have our Pj's on

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