Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Round Two

Saturday we had another birthday party for Ollie with some friends and family at one of our favorite local restaurants in Banner Elk.

Owly cupcakes for our Ollie

Birthday Boy

Birthday bunch singing happy birthday

Kacky gives Ollie his birthday cupcake

And now the cupcake eating montage pictures....

Happy Birthday Ollie!  We love you!!!

Happy Birthday Round One

Ollie turned 1 last Thursday and he had a big day celebrating.  First with Mommy and Daddy that morning over blueberry pancakes and a few rounds of presents.

First Birthday Present

Ollie, "How old are you today?"

Yeah a truck!

Set of blocks and a coveted baby einstein dvd.

Enjoying his blocks

Later that afternoon we had a party with his cousins, Penley and Adali at Grammy's house

Happy Birthday Ollie!

the monkey, the lion and the elephant...aka adali, ollie and penley.  Ollie was a little overwhelmed at this point.  Hope to get a better pic of all three at Thanksgiving

Checking out his presents, stacking cups

Got a new tool box and tools, the hammer is his favorite

Daddy pushing him in his new wagon/walker, he loves it!

The next morning he's already pulling himself up to standing.  I see walking in our future, maybe sooner than later.  Go Ollie!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween

Ollie's first Halloween was so much fun!  He enjoyed all the costumes, candy and decorations.  On the actual day of Halloween we had to spend it at home due to a 3 day snow storm.  The county postponed all Halloween activites until Friday because of the weather.  So Wednesday we did a little Halloween at home and Thursday went our to a friends house.

Lobster costume that was his cousin Wells when he was only 5 months old. 

He wasn't really loving the head piece, just wanted to take it off and eat it

Ollie's First Halloween!

Wednesday we went trick or treating at Aunt Marsha's house

Not a great picture...But he looked so cute in his owl costume

Friday night at Trunk or Treat in Banner Elk.  Some of Ollie's girlfriends!

Banner Elk Trunk or Treat

Halloween was a Whoot!