Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Round One

Ollie turned 1 last Thursday and he had a big day celebrating.  First with Mommy and Daddy that morning over blueberry pancakes and a few rounds of presents.

First Birthday Present

Ollie, "How old are you today?"

Yeah a truck!

Set of blocks and a coveted baby einstein dvd.

Enjoying his blocks

Later that afternoon we had a party with his cousins, Penley and Adali at Grammy's house

Happy Birthday Ollie!

the monkey, the lion and the elephant...aka adali, ollie and penley.  Ollie was a little overwhelmed at this point.  Hope to get a better pic of all three at Thanksgiving

Checking out his presents, stacking cups

Got a new tool box and tools, the hammer is his favorite

Daddy pushing him in his new wagon/walker, he loves it!

The next morning he's already pulling himself up to standing.  I see walking in our future, maybe sooner than later.  Go Ollie!


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