Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Summertime in January

January has been a crazy month weather wise. It's been very cold with snow and ice and then this week it's sunny and 64 degrees. Ollie and I went to the park with some friends yesterday to enjoy this strange break in the weather. We hung out with his buddy Charlie and Ollie's girlfriend, Campbell. Ollie had so much fun playing, swinging and strolling. Campbell even showed him how to swing on the big kid swings!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Snow Time

We took Ollie out to play in the snow for the first time and he was not liking it to much. He liked riding around in his stroller, but as soon as you took him out to sit or play in the snow he would cry. Poor guy, hopefully he'll have a change of heart once he can walk.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Wheeling Round

Ollie is pretty close to walking. We really feel like one day soon he's just gonna get up and go! He's mastered holding onto anything and walking along it, now he'll hold our hand and walk beside us and just recently he's started to challenge himself by standing all by himself not holding on. Also he finally figured out how to get around in his wheelie walker. He loves to roll/ walk all over the deck.

My Two Guys

I love watching Ollie and Gary play together. They crack me up with how silly they are sometimes. I love them both bunches!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Stack It Up

Ollie is getting really good at stacking! Stacking blocks, stacking cups, he pretty much tries to stack everything. This week we LOVE stacking blocks! Every time he gets one stacked on top of the other, he smiles so big and laughs. We clap and say Yeahhhhh, he's very proud of himself and we are too! Keep stacking Ollie!

Friday, January 4, 2013

What's Next

Lets see what Ollie's into these days...chilling out on his bean bag chair or snuggling on the couch watching one of his favorite shows, Brainy Baby or Baby Einstein. Pulling out, playing with and throwing every single toy he owns on to the floor. Climbing, oh my goodness does this kid like to climb! Loves the stairs and now fences, well pretty much anything he can get his hands on. Assisted walking is progressing into him challenging himself to further distances between objects and standing all by himself for a few seconds at a time. He's cutting 4 new teeth in addition to the 8 he already has, 2 of these new teeth are molars, so that's been fun. So, what's next??? Walking, climbing, jumping, running, you name it Ollie will be into it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Merry Merry

I don't think we could have had a better Christmas! We had 3 days of celebrating with friends and family. Even though this is Ollie's second Christmas, he got to participate a little more this year than when he was just 5 weeks old last year. It was fun to see him open presents and play with his family.

Smith Family Christmas

On Christmas Day we went over to Grammy and DeDat's house for our final round of holiday celebrations and a little family time with the Smiths. Ollie got to celebrate with his other cousins, Scout, Penley and Adali. Penley and Adali really enjoyed "helping" Ollie open his presents. We had a great time with Gary's parents and his sisters family and we enjoyed a wonderful christmas feast of ham and turkey! Thanks Brenda!

Harvey Family Christmas

On Christmas Eve all of my siblings, their kids and significant others get together at my dads house. We had a great time celebrating christmas and getting to see everyone! Just a few pictures getting all the action during present opening and a couple silly ones.

Christmas Cousins

Ollie got to hangout with his cousins, Wells and Caroline in Charlotte for a few days during the christmas holiday. They had fun playing together, eating together and posing for their christmas pictures together, in matching pjs and all!