Friday, January 4, 2013

What's Next

Lets see what Ollie's into these days...chilling out on his bean bag chair or snuggling on the couch watching one of his favorite shows, Brainy Baby or Baby Einstein. Pulling out, playing with and throwing every single toy he owns on to the floor. Climbing, oh my goodness does this kid like to climb! Loves the stairs and now fences, well pretty much anything he can get his hands on. Assisted walking is progressing into him challenging himself to further distances between objects and standing all by himself for a few seconds at a time. He's cutting 4 new teeth in addition to the 8 he already has, 2 of these new teeth are molars, so that's been fun. So, what's next??? Walking, climbing, jumping, running, you name it Ollie will be into it!

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