Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fun cousin time in Charlotte

Ollie and I went to Charlotte to visit Aunt Katy, Uncle Matt, Wells and Caroline for a few days.
I have some pictures of these little ones hanging out:
Post breakfast playtime with Wells and Caroline

Arts in crafts that afternoon in the playhouse

Pre bedtime snuggles

Maybe Ollie wishes he had an older brother, because he was pretty much obsessed with Wells. Following him around and trying to do whatever He was doing. Ollie tackled, hugged and snuggled Wells almost every chance he got. He tried to show some love to Caroline, but she wasn't as tolerant of it as Wells. I could just imagine Caroline thinking, "ugh, these two boys wrestling and rolling around, so annoying." Anyways, watching these three play was so sweet! Thank you guys for having Ollie and I for a visit. We had such a great time! Thanks for everything! Can't wait to see y'all again soon!

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