Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day this year, Gary had the day off work, so we just hung out at the house and had an ole fashion cookout. Hot dogs, homemade potato salad and baked beans. It was some nice family time. Oh yeah and we watched Ollie and Pungo run around with a sharp, pointy flag. All good, no injuries...

Ollie decorated his teepee for the occasion and Pungo helped

Ollie just loves his Pungo dog!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wagon Ride

Ollie loves to be pushed around in his wagon...lots of work for mommy and daddy, but hey, he loves it!

Not related, but just thought it was so cute. Crashed out one morning...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Chalk It Up

Ollie has been so kind as to remodel the deck with his sidewalk chalk creations. It's a fun activity to do outside and it occupies a good amount of time. Thanks again Grammy for the chalk! We're loving it!

O has colored one entire bench length

Showing me how to make chalk footprints

I love that O stumbled upon walking through his chalk. What cute footprints!

I quickly snapped a few pics before the rain washed it all away. 
Footprints: Ollie James - 18 months old

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Music in the Vineyard

We all had a great time on Sunday at Grandfather Vineyard and Winery... Live music, perfect weather, good friends, great wine and plenty of kids for Ollie to play with

The winery in the background. Ollie playing with Casey, the Vineyard Dog. 

 O playing a little corn hole with his friend Campbell

More corn hole action. He loves this game!

Such a cute little guy!

Working hard, mowing that vineyard

Finished the afternoon with a little rain. Ollie loves to try and catch rain drops or any running water. This kiddo is definitely a water lover. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Now that the weather is nice, it's time to get outside!  This is how Ollie spent his Thursday...

Started off the morning on the deck with some Teepee action, wagon wheeling and the car tunnel

A photo montage of, "Mom please stop taking pictures of me!"

A trip to Blowing Rock Park. 

Loves crawling through the tunnel

Then of course some swing time action

He finished his park time by playing with the wood chips, because that's the coolest thing at the park :-)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Little Artist

Ollie loves to color! This kiddo will bust out his crayons and sketch pad all through out the day, it's great. When he draws he seems very focused and concentrated on what he's doing. Maybe we have a budding artist on our hands. We like that he's into coloring, it's fun to draw with him and help out. 

Working on his trash truck craft that he got at the library. 

Deep into his artwork

Thank you Grammy for the sidewalk chalk! He loves it!

Trash truck completed and yes I assisted a little for this project

A couple of Ollie's master pieces. 

Just Some Ollie

Just some pictures of Ollie over the last couple of weeks...

Running around the deck, acting silly

O's little hideout between the door, side table and couch. 

Afternoon stroll

Such a cutie! 

Love these two guys bunches and bunches!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Yesterday we went and signed Ollie up for preschool at Banner Elk Presbyterian Preschool.  We got to take a tour, see his classroom, meet his teacher and hangout for free play and snack time.  He starts this fall. I can't believe he's going to school, exciting!

Free play time in the big room

Snack time in the classroom

Ollie's classroom 

These pictures are terrible, because I forgot my camera and only had my phone, but at least I got a few shots. Ollie had a great time getting to visit and seeing what things will be like in the fall. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Aunt Charlotte's new diggs

While we were in Charlotte we got to visit with Aunt Charlotte at her new apartment. She had just moved back to town that weekend. Ollie didn't care much for the apartment, which is really cute, he was more interested in Aunt Charlotte's pet turtle, Leonardo. 

Love this cute little face!

Another trip to the big city

Ollie and I went to Charlotte again last week to visit Bubbie while she was babysitting Wells and Caroline. Needless to say, these kids had a great time playing and hanging out with each other for the weekend. I feel like Ollie had the song, "people let me tell you about my best friend" playing in his head all weekend with the way he acted around Wells. Ollie loves Wells! Poor Caroline had another  weekend watching those boys wrestle around. She was a good sport though, she went riding in the jeep with Ollie, took him to play in the playhouse, pushed him around in her stroller and let him get in on her bath time. A very fun weekend with bubbie and his cousins! We miss you guys already, thanks for letting us come visit!

"People let me tell you about my best friend"

Sweet Caroline, letting Ollie have a turn in the drivers seat

Looking pretty cool in the jeep, Ollie 

Post breakfast stroll around the kitchen