Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Another trip to the big city

Ollie and I went to Charlotte again last week to visit Bubbie while she was babysitting Wells and Caroline. Needless to say, these kids had a great time playing and hanging out with each other for the weekend. I feel like Ollie had the song, "people let me tell you about my best friend" playing in his head all weekend with the way he acted around Wells. Ollie loves Wells! Poor Caroline had another  weekend watching those boys wrestle around. She was a good sport though, she went riding in the jeep with Ollie, took him to play in the playhouse, pushed him around in her stroller and let him get in on her bath time. A very fun weekend with bubbie and his cousins! We miss you guys already, thanks for letting us come visit!

"People let me tell you about my best friend"

Sweet Caroline, letting Ollie have a turn in the drivers seat

Looking pretty cool in the jeep, Ollie 

Post breakfast stroll around the kitchen

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