Monday, October 14, 2013

The Sleepover

Ollie had his first sleepover at Wyatt's house Saturday. It was a success! He was very well behaved and had a blast staying over at the Boedefeld's house. Here's a look at all their fun. 

Fun out on the deck

Taking turns falling into the leaf pile 

Playing trains

3 silly boys getting pushed around in the laundry hamper

Loving on Wyatt's little brother, Rhett

Then they had a light show

All 3 boys right before bed, yes Ollie is in Rhett's baby bouncer

Just FYI, all the boys went to bed by 7:30 and slept til 7:30 the next morning! We gotta give my friend, Jenn a huge thanks for having Ollie over and taking pictures so we could see how much fun they were having!

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