Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pre Thanksgiving Family Fun

I think it was a couple of years ago when my brothers and sisters and I decided we should all get together on Thanksgiving Eve, just us kids and our significant others. So this Thanksgiving Eve that's exactly what we did...all of us gathered at my brothers house in Charlotte for an evening of good food, great family and holiday fun. 

Our annual wine tasting contest

Compliments of our brother, Beau. It was a Spanish theme this year...tasty

These little turkeys had so much fun playing and wrestling around that night

Fun with Aunt Char Char

Thanksgiving breakfast with his cousin Wells

Our attempt to get a cute thanksgiving picture of all the cousins
Thought a change of scenery would help, ummm not so much
Then we tried some snacks
Gotta loves Wells being silly, trying to lighten the mood for everyone. Didn't get a perfect shot of everyone smiling and looking at the camera, but they sure are cute. 

We had a great time getting to see everyone! We're very thankful for getting to spend time with our family over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Thank you to Aunt Katy and Uncle Matt, Wells and Caroline for having everyone! We love you all! Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Preschool Thanksgiving Feast

Ollie's preschool had a Thanksgiving themed lunch at school yesterday. All the parents were invited and everyone was told to bring some kind of Thanksgiving dish.  The kids sang a cute thanksgiving prayer before we all sat down to eat and each one had made a turkey with their feathers of thankfulness. I had a great time eating some good food and giving thanks with my little turkey and his friends. 

We made a fruit turkey to take 

Enjoying his Thanksgiving feast

Of course there was pizza and chicken nuggets, a real Thanksgiving classic :-)

Ollie loved the Mac n cheese

Ollie's turkey of thankfulness 
Mama&daddy, friends, race cars and spray truck(this is the truck he takes to school everyday)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Ollie

Our sweet little Ollie James, who's not so little anymore, turned 2 last Friday. We had lots of fun celebrating all weekend long!

Birthday pancakes on Friday morning 

We had a birthday dinner at Mellow Mushroom with Bubbie, Grammy and DeDat. Ollie really enjoyed opening his presents

Buzz Lightyear from Grammy and DeDat

Hot wheels cars from aunt nitalynn 

The present opening continues into Saturday morning

Pizza Planet and Patagonia vest from aunt Katy & uncle Matt and Wells and Caroline...he loves it!

We even dragged the birthday celebration into Sunday morning with Bubbie

Yeah, Woody!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday Ollie!!!

I can't believe how fast this last year has gone by.  Ollie has hit so many milestones from learning to walk to expanding his vocabulary almost daily it seems. Watching him grow up and learn so many new things this last year has been amazing.  He's so smart, creative, inquisitive and funny, so funny. Ollie we love you so much! We can't wait to see what this next year brings...Happy Birthday!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Not a dull weekend

Our weekend turned out to be pretty eventfull. On Friday we got the good news that Ollie has a new cousin, Beau Newman McCutchen. We are so happy for Shelton and Clark!

What a cute, sweet face he has. 

Ollie made a card for Beau. He's so excited not to be the youngest cousin anymore. No more baby Ollie, it's all Baby Beau now :-)

We also had a bonfire Saturday evening and our friends Wyatt and Rhett came over and brought their parents. So we all hungout and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. I only managed to get a couple pics. 

On Sunday it all went to the chickens

Ollie likes his new friends

So now we have 12 chickens...bring on the egg dishes!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bubble Fun

If you know Ollie, then you know he likes to dunk his head. Bubbles in the bath are one of his favorite dunking sites. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Halloween

Ollie had a full day of Halloween starting that morning at school all the way to that evenings trunk or treat. Our little superman had a blast and got some great treats!

Trick or Treating at school
Superman, Cat in the Hat and Elle the pig, she wouldn't wear her piggy hat. Along with their trick or treating they had a monster mash, a pumpkin hunt and big Halloween party at lunch. Clark Kent was one tired superhero at pick up. 

Halloween in the high country can be tricky, due to the weather this time of year.  There isn't much door to door trick or treating going on up here. It's mostly trunk or treats, local businesses handing out candy or Halloween at the mall. Last year Halloween got moved to November because of freezing temps and a foot of snow. Luckily this year we just got cloudy skies and gusty winds. So the Banner Elk Trunk or Treat was the place to be Thursday evening.

Ready to trunk or treat

He had fun stopping at each trunk filling up his bag with lots of goodies

His cousins Penley and Adali took Ollie around trick or treating too. It was so much fun to watch those three run around and hold Ollie's hand to make sure he got the best treats. 

Happy Halloween from Superman, Frankie and Lalaloopsy!