Sunday, November 10, 2013

Not a dull weekend

Our weekend turned out to be pretty eventfull. On Friday we got the good news that Ollie has a new cousin, Beau Newman McCutchen. We are so happy for Shelton and Clark!

What a cute, sweet face he has. 

Ollie made a card for Beau. He's so excited not to be the youngest cousin anymore. No more baby Ollie, it's all Baby Beau now :-)

We also had a bonfire Saturday evening and our friends Wyatt and Rhett came over and brought their parents. So we all hungout and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. I only managed to get a couple pics. 

On Sunday it all went to the chickens

Ollie likes his new friends

So now we have 12 chickens...bring on the egg dishes!!

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