Tuesday, February 25, 2014


We had fun celebrating the month of February. This month we had mommy and daddy's birthdays, our sweet cousin Caroline turned 3 and of course there was Valentines Day.  Ollie helped me put up a few decorations around the house...

Our heart tree and love art work

Coffee filter hearts painted by O, hung in the window...these look cool and were really easy to do

Then we made some custom valentines for Ollie's preschool buddies

And treats, lots of valentines treats

I love his face in these pictures

Happy Bday Caroline! Ollie's custom card made with paint and markers...it's all over his hands and face :-)

Mommy and Daddy's birthdays are 2 days apart and Gary and I celebrated with a night out to dinner and a morning to sleep in. So a big thanks to Grammy and DeDat for making that happen! Ollie always has so much fun sleeping over!

February was a month full of lots of love, lots of snow, birthday cheer and fun! 

The Snowman

Ollie's first Snowman

He enjoyed eating the snowman as much as he did making him

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sledding Fun

Ollie's first time sledding was really fun!

First time all by himself. 

He liked riding with Mommy or Daddy much better

It's not just for kids...Gary and I had fun sledding during nap time 

A very fun snow day!

Blizzard 2014...February Edition

We just got our biggest snow of the season! 10+ inches! The craziest snow day yet, for Ollie. He wasn't sure what to do....walking in it was a little bit of an issue. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

We had a great Super Bowl Sunday. Started off with a trip to Valle Crucis Park. 

He loves to hug the bear carvings all around the park

Some swing time with Daddy

We went over to our friend, Campbell's house to watch the game

Ollie and Cam eating dinner at their own special table

After dinner silliness

Watching Bruno Mars during the halftime show

Followed by a little dancing

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Free Ranging It

We've started to let our chickens roam around the yard during nice days. I feel like they enjoy getting out of the pen and strutting around. So that's what us mountain people do who have chickens, you spend some bonding time with them :-)

Ollie loved it! He is crazy for these chics

Once he figured out they'd follow you anywhere if you have a little feed, he was hooked

Then there's these guys...
Salivating and jealous over those darn chickens, well it's really more Gretchen than Pungo. Gretchen's been plotting ever since we got the chickens. 

Unfortunately it's one point for Gretch and zero for the chickens. She got one yesterday. The chicken is still alive, but badly injured. We might have to have a chicken dinner this weekend. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Sun is Out

We finally got a break from all the crazy, cold winter weather and the sun came out. With warmer temps and bright sunshine we went to the greenway and tot lot to soak it all up. 

Ollie riding his Ybike

He did really well on his bike, no falls

Even daddy took a ride

We met up with our buddy Wyatt and his family

The boys with their dads throwing rocks in the river
More Ybike action

Fun swinging and sliding at the tot lot!

Thank you Sunshine!!! We had great time!