Tuesday, February 25, 2014


We had fun celebrating the month of February. This month we had mommy and daddy's birthdays, our sweet cousin Caroline turned 3 and of course there was Valentines Day.  Ollie helped me put up a few decorations around the house...

Our heart tree and love art work

Coffee filter hearts painted by O, hung in the window...these look cool and were really easy to do

Then we made some custom valentines for Ollie's preschool buddies

And treats, lots of valentines treats

I love his face in these pictures

Happy Bday Caroline! Ollie's custom card made with paint and markers...it's all over his hands and face :-)

Mommy and Daddy's birthdays are 2 days apart and Gary and I celebrated with a night out to dinner and a morning to sleep in. So a big thanks to Grammy and DeDat for making that happen! Ollie always has so much fun sleeping over!

February was a month full of lots of love, lots of snow, birthday cheer and fun! 

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