Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Who Needs Clothes

 It's obvious that Ollie James doesn't mind baring it all and on any occasion. 

A favorite is drying his hair after bath. This kid loves to dry his hair and make funny faces in the mirror

Any opportunity to be naked outside, he's all for it. This last weekend the weather couldn't have been nicer. Mid 70s and sunny, perfect. We just covered him in sunscreen and let em go.  
Doing a little yard work

Having lunch on the deck

Playing in the creek

Being nude most of the weekend led into an interesting approach to potty training. He was very amused with himself while peeing in the creek and going off the deck. We definitely have a toddler who's interested in going potty, but his perferred place isn't in the potty.  Watch out potted plants, creeks and decks :-).     

Friday, April 25, 2014

Grandfather Mountain

One of the nice things about living in the high country is being so close to state parks, beautiful hiking trails and tons of outdoor activities. Now that the weather has finally gotten nice, it's time to get out there and enjoy!  We went with our cousins and Grammy and DeDat to Grandfather Mountain State Park. They have a wildlife preservation with bears, eagles and other mountain animals, along with a museum. 

The bears....this was Ollie's favorite. It's by far the best attraction at the park

Checking out the other bear den

The views up there sure are nice

Looking at the eagles, you can see one over Ollie's right shoulder

Ollie and the girls trying to spot some animals, they did not come out and great us :-(

Our attempt at getting a group pic of all the cousins...not bad

Penley and Ollie

Hugging on the bears inside the museum

We had a fun time seeing all the animals and hanging with the fam!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Easter

Our little bunny dying some eggs

Very focused on the task at hand

No show Easter Bunny at the mall, turns into fun with manikin family at Old Navy :-)

Easter Sunday festivities at Grammy and DeDat's house

Easter egg Hunt

Ollie, Penley and Adali checking out all their finds...they really racked up

Ollie got candy, of course, and a new assortment of cars and bugs

All the cousins enjoying a delicious Easter lunch

Followed by a little hill rolling

Happy Easter to everyone! We had a wonderful time enjoying our family, good food and beautiful weather. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Eggcellent Day at the Park

Last weekend we celebrated Spring with some fun Easter happenings.   Banner Elk Park hosted an Easter egg hunt, hay rides and plenty of other fun activities for the kids. 

                                                           Ready to find those eggs

                                                            On the hunt with Daddy


                                         Was excited to find out they have candy inside

                                                       Ollie loved the bubble station



                                   Ollie and his friend, Elle, checking out the Easter Bunny

                            Ollie decides he's cool and gives the Easter Bunny a high five

                                                                  Happy Easter


Monday, April 14, 2014

Adventures of Ollie and Sophia

Sophia and Ollie had a great time playing at the Park last week. In fact, the weather was so nice we pretty much went everyday. 

Throwing rocks in the creek

Fun on the swings

Riding bikes around the park

Sliding together

Climbing together

Giving a buddy a little lift

Just happy to be outside!