Sunday, August 31, 2014

Kites, Kites and more Kites

We enjoyed a beautiful Sunday afternoon up on Beech Mtn at their annual Kite Festival.  Each kid under the age of 12 got a free kite. In which they could decorate and color however they wanted. 

Ollie was so excited, Daddy could barely color on an O for Ollie before he pulled it off the table. 

Lots of wind equaled lots of kite flying

Ollie and his buddy, John David 

Ollie loved it!

Lots of kites flying. This festival was pretty cool and the weather couldn't have been nicer. 

Ollie's O kite

Relaxing and watching all the kites with Daddy

John David and Ollie sharing a cold drink on a hot afternoon. These two are so silly when they get together. 

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