Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Broken Head

Well we sure had a scary end to a great vacation.  While eating ice cream and saying our final goodbye to the beach before driving home our sweet Ollie fell right off the back of a picnic bench.  The back of his head hit just right onto the concrete slab floor, causing him to get a skull line fracture.  Which resulted in 2 ER visits, an ambulance transport to the Childrens Hospital in Chapel Hill and a 2 night stay on the pediatric floor. 

Day 1...eating pizza for lunch and acting like it's no big deal

My super brave guy, who makes a hospital stay seem like a vacation

Enjoying the multiple toys of the pediatric floor

Last night in the hospital....this is one tired Smith Family

If you're a parent, then you already know that this was one of the scariest moments of my life. When your child is hurt it's a horrifying experience. This was hard, really hard to save face and be strong for my kid.  I want to give the biggest thank you ever to my husband, who was so strong for our family. I was every emotional roller coaster you could think of and he was the reassuring force that everything would be ok. Also, I'd like to thank all the doctors and nurses who took care of Ollie, we received excellent care. Thank you to all our friends and family for your thoughts and prayers. Lastly, a big thank you to Gary's parents, we love you and continue to be grateful for all that you do. 

Ollie's been doing great since we've been home. He may have a broken skull, but he definitely doesn't have a broken spirit.  If you didn't know any better, you'd think nothing is wrong...this kiddo has almost not skipped a beat. Thanks for being the tough cookie you are Ollie, it makes things just a little bit easier. We love you more than anything in this world!

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