Wednesday, February 25, 2015

So Very Cold

After a few snow days it got ridiculously COLD!

Temp reads -6 at 10am.  The high was 4 last Thursday. 

What do you do when you're snowed in, it's to cold to go out and play, oh and you have to entertain your 3yr old ALL DAY??   Ok, besides the obvious answers here...TV, IPad, TV, IPAd and repeat.  We couldn't just do that all day, so we got creative. 

Can't go out and play with the snow. No problem.  We'll just bring it in. 

We made rainbow snowballs

We did a little science experiment, learning how water turns to ice.  But we made it a little more interesting by coloring the water and placing some small treasures inside. 

Our setup. We found some shells and leaves and other little things for our frozen ornaments. 
They turned out really cool so, we hung them up on our front porch. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Day # 2

It snowed several inches, but then sleeted on top of that and made the snow pretty crunchy. We were very excited to go out and build a snowman, only to find out our beautiful snow would only come up in chunks. 

So, Ollie just slid around 

By nap time the sun had come out and I took the dogs out for a walk. I enjoyed soaking up some of those rays before our next round of snow. 

Gretchen was the only dog who stuck around for some selfies. 

She still loves me...even though she's secretly jealous of Ollie. 
Yeah, I love you too Gretch!

Just a few shots of how pretty it is up here when it snows 
Our snow covered creek

View off our neighbors deck...

Snow Day

This post begins a series of posts involving the wonderful weather that the month of February has brought. 


Snow angels are always a favorite

Mommy and Daddy even think the snow is fun

Happy Valentines Day

Realize this post is 10 days late, but we've had 2 school weeks worth of snow days and this pic of Ollie at his schools Valentine's party is the last time he even had school

Ollie's Owly Valentine's 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Birthday to Us

Gary and I have birthdays that are a day apart. Mine is Feb 10th and his is the 12th, so we usually celebrate together.  We've had a pretty mellow birthday celebration this year. A couple evening outings this week, with and without Ollie. My favorite part of this week has been celebrating at home.  

I got some beautiful lilies from Gary and they smell amazing. We also accumulated several birthday cards, that's just half of them. 

Made a Chocolate Banana Cream Pie. Ollie did such a good job helping me make this, he's quite the little mixer

Ollie enjoyed helping Daddy blow the candles out

Happy Birthday Gary!

Then we thought we take some silly pictures per Ollie's request

Ollie took this one

We had a great birthday and a fun time celebrating! Thanks to all our friends and family for making it extra special!  We feel blessed and very loved!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Great Day for Sledding

The snow days are starting to add up here in the high country and there is only so much you can do during these long days your child doesn't have school. Luckily this past snow day, the sun came out and the temps warmed up a bit. So we went sledding with some of our buddies. 

Ollie, John David and Elijah. 
Snow ball fight...Ollie just got hit

Pushing Elijah and his mommy down the hill

First time going down all by himself

Hiking to the top with John David

Ollie and JD ready to race down the hill

Had a small tumble...snow crusted hair and jacket

Enjoying a snowball snack

We had a super fun snow day!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Happy Birthday John David!

Ollie's best buddy turned 3 this past Saturday. We had so much fun celebrating!

Kicked it off at our favorite Mexican restaurant 
Love Puerto!

The spread at JD's party

Happy Birthday John David

The boys enjoying dessert

The cupcakes were delicious 

Birthday glasses

Us moms sticking my friend, Zoe

It was a great party! We had so much fun!