Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Birthday to Us

Gary and I have birthdays that are a day apart. Mine is Feb 10th and his is the 12th, so we usually celebrate together.  We've had a pretty mellow birthday celebration this year. A couple evening outings this week, with and without Ollie. My favorite part of this week has been celebrating at home.  

I got some beautiful lilies from Gary and they smell amazing. We also accumulated several birthday cards, that's just half of them. 

Made a Chocolate Banana Cream Pie. Ollie did such a good job helping me make this, he's quite the little mixer

Ollie enjoyed helping Daddy blow the candles out

Happy Birthday Gary!

Then we thought we take some silly pictures per Ollie's request

Ollie took this one

We had a great birthday and a fun time celebrating! Thanks to all our friends and family for making it extra special!  We feel blessed and very loved!

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