Friday, June 26, 2015

High Gravity Adventures

VPC Builders first company outing of the summer season was at High Gravity Adventures in Blowing Rock. We had a blast climbing through all the different obstacles up high on their ropes course.  Ollie and the other kids definitely had more fun than the adults.  I was worried he might be a little scared, but no. He climbed right up there and didn't want to come down.  He loved it!

The VPC Builders crew

Friday, June 19, 2015

Music in the Valle

Music in the park has gotten off to a great start this summer.  We are looking forward to spending our Friday evenings listening to great music, eating good food and hanging out with our friends.  

Always plenty of friendly dogs to play with at the park.  This is Luna, one of our friends newest puppies

These two wore each other out

Somebody even brought their pony....pretty random, but interesting

Our friend, Bridget, stopped by to hangout.  Ollie just loves her

Our 5 minute date night, while Ollie was playing with Luna or playing on the playground :-)

We love music in the park! It's gonna be a great summer!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Riverfest took place at our neighborhood park in Valle Crucis.  We got to learn about lots of different things having to do with our river systems.  

Meeting Snotty, the Hellbender, which is a type of salamander

Checking out the Alpacas

Learning about ground water pollution and erosion

Painting a fish

Pin the tail on the Mayfly

Water fun

We ended the afternoon with an old fashion watermelon eating contest

John David and Ollie finishing off their remains together

The boys enjoying an an Italian Ice after a little bike riding

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Looks like we've got a climber on our hands! 

He's gotten so good at the rock wall. He barely needs our help anymore.  This makes me nervous til he's back on the ground :-)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Emergency Fest 2015

I can't describe to you in words how excited Ollie was while we were at this event. Imagine every type of emergency response vehicle and personnel that exists in one place all at one time. Talk about sensory overload, but it was really fun and informative. 

I'm pretty sure all the firetrucks were his favorite

Actually I think this was his absolute favorite :-)

Checking out the armored truck with Daddy

Meeting Alex, the police dog

Brushing up on our helmet safety and biking skills

Meeting Smokey The Bear

Getting our face painted

Checking out the tactical robots

We got to ride all the way up in New River Light & Power's bucket truck

This was a close second of Ollie's favorites. Andy the Ambulance

We finished things off with an icy from DeDat

Library Days

Thank goodness for the library or our Monday's would be kinda boring. On Mondays Ollie doesn't have school so we almost always go to the library for some story time, play with the train tables and check out what fun and exciting activity they have planned for the day. 

Enjoying story time with Mrs. Laura, she is the best. So good at getting all the kids involved and excited about reading. 

Meet a fireman day. These kids were nuts over this and they freaked out with excitement when the fire truck pulled up outside. 

Learning about gardening and getting to plant some sunflower seeds

Squirmy wormy day. This was another favorite amongst the kiddos. Who doesn't just love worms and dirt, right???

Glad the library has a fun summer program planned, because now that school is out we'll probably be hanging out there more than just Mondays.