Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Library Days

Thank goodness for the library or our Monday's would be kinda boring. On Mondays Ollie doesn't have school so we almost always go to the library for some story time, play with the train tables and check out what fun and exciting activity they have planned for the day. 

Enjoying story time with Mrs. Laura, she is the best. So good at getting all the kids involved and excited about reading. 

Meet a fireman day. These kids were nuts over this and they freaked out with excitement when the fire truck pulled up outside. 

Learning about gardening and getting to plant some sunflower seeds

Squirmy wormy day. This was another favorite amongst the kiddos. Who doesn't just love worms and dirt, right???

Glad the library has a fun summer program planned, because now that school is out we'll probably be hanging out there more than just Mondays. 

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