Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with all of our cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles and grandparents on my side of the family.  All six siblings together, plus our significant others and our kiddos made for a total crowd of 14! 

All the siblings, plus significant others

All the cousins...Wells, Caroline, Ollie and Beau.  Getting in turkey mode before bed

Trying to get these 3 little turkeys to sit still for a pic is always challenging 

Then it was off to Grandaddy's and Cacky's for Thanksgiving lunch

Baby Beau and Ollie having fun with Uncle Chip

Being silly with Grandaddy

We had a very special visitor after lunch...SANTA!

Ollie flipped out with excitement over this surprise. He loved Santa!

Ollie wanted lots of pictures with Santa and then he wanted everyone else to take pictures with Santa

Baby Beau took a little while to warm up to Santa

Family shot with Santa

Grandparent shot with Santa

Pregnant sisters shot with Santa

Shelton and I still cooking our little turkeys.  Shelton's 29 weeks. I'm 34 weeks

We topped off Thanksgiving with a Panthers win against the Cowboys! Whoop 11-0, undefeated!  We watched the game with Uncle Chip and Aunt Char Char at Hickory Tavern in Gastonia.  Ollie was really into the game. He really enjoyed cheering the Panthers on

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble :-)

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