Sunday, August 28, 2016

Back to School

Ollie's last year of preschool...ah bittersweet.  Here are our obligatory first day pics

First day fun with his buddies...Ollie and John David at the park after school

Ollie, John David and Charley

So happy school has started back!!!!

Hazel Rivers - 8 Months

Sitting up...we're getting there, lots of practice. By the way those were Ollie's overalls when he was 6 months. Cute!

Loves her jumper

Has pretty much mastered the sippy cup

Loves to eat! Way into solids now, plus a little light reading while dining

Likes to help me out in the kitchen.  

Finally likes the Mountain Buggy, had to do little bit of training on that

Loves this little rocking chair 

We're starting to learn how to feed ourself.  Here is Haze perfecting the Pincer Grasp. 

Yay! She got the puff!

She loves to hang out with her big brother

A few other things to note....Hazel is sleeping through the night, for a bout a month now. So thankful we've reached that milestone! Also, she's got two teeth coming in right now and can babble up a storm. This girl loves to hear herself talk, pretty cute! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Staring Contest

Early morning entertainment. These guys can be pretty cute, even if it's before the sun is up :-)

Monday, August 8, 2016

Swing, Swing, Swing

Turns out Hazel loves to swing. Most kids do. I think she would have happily sat in this swing for the entire time we were at the park. 

She was just chilling out

Ollie was such a sweet big brother and pushed Hazel in the swing

Both my kiddos love to swing!

New Addition- Update

After digging and pouring all those footers, next came the floor system 

Floor joists installed, time for the sub floor

Sub floor installed, time to frame it all up

Love my guys! They're proud of all their hard work!

Next the roof or rafters start going up

Then interior walls and beams

Setting up for more roof rafters

Outside sheathing going on...time to start drying it in

Backside view

Almost done with the roof rafters...we've had a ton of rain this last week, put us a bit behind

We're excited! Each day we get a little closer. Thank you again Gary! You are amazing and we're so proud of you for building this home for our family!!!

Monday, August 1, 2016

A Visit to Grandaddy's

We can sum this trip up in one word...swimming.  It was a fun afternoon hanging out poolside

Hazel's first time swimming. She loves the water!

Ollie and Granddaddy