Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hazel Rivers - 8 Months

Sitting up...we're getting there, lots of practice. By the way those were Ollie's overalls when he was 6 months. Cute!

Loves her jumper

Has pretty much mastered the sippy cup

Loves to eat! Way into solids now, plus a little light reading while dining

Likes to help me out in the kitchen.  

Finally likes the Mountain Buggy, had to do little bit of training on that

Loves this little rocking chair 

We're starting to learn how to feed ourself.  Here is Haze perfecting the Pincer Grasp. 

Yay! She got the puff!

She loves to hang out with her big brother

A few other things to note....Hazel is sleeping through the night, for a bout a month now. So thankful we've reached that milestone! Also, she's got two teeth coming in right now and can babble up a storm. This girl loves to hear herself talk, pretty cute! 

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