Saturday, October 29, 2016

Get it While it's Hot!

The Banner Elk Preschool kiddos killed it at their hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee stand this past Wednesday. This was the best customer service I had all week! Great job! Super cute!

Hazel enjoyed sitting in the sun, playing with sticks and leaves with her daddy

Friday, October 28, 2016

Hazel Rivers - 10 Months

Wow! 10 months down and only 2 to go until Hazel is 1.  I can't believe it, it really does just fly by. 
At 10 months we are sitting up unassisted, getting pretty good at feeding ourself. She loves food! 
Hazel almost has 4 teeth, still waiting on those top 2 incisors to pop through. She can say mama, dada, bah bah and mumble all sorts of other sounds.  We're working on bye bye and hi, but she can give ya high five if you ask her. 

Still loves bath time

Loves riding in grocery cart, especially when Ollie is pushing

Because every 10 month old should have an iPad 

She loves playing with her big brother most of all

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Loving All of Fall

Tried getting some cute shots of the kiddos, but Hazel just wanted to eat the leaves and Ollie just want to drop them on her head...oh well

A little pumpkin shopping

First pumpkin carving, soon to be more

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Valle Crucis Fair 2016

We love the country fair! The weather was beautiful and the games were plentiful! 

Ollie throwing ears of corn...the original cornhole game

Pumpkin ring toss

Pumpkin bowling

Pick a prize from the Pocket Lady

Penley and Adali getting ready for the 3 legged race

Taking in the fair

Hazel had a great time! Lots of stuff for her to see

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Oktoberfest 2016

We enjoyed Sugar Mountain's annual Oktoberfest! Lots of fun with our cousins and friends!

The bouncey houses were of course a big hit!

Ollie and his friend, Sophia

Partial family selfie...we missed you daddy!

The last ones standing at the end of the day. These kiddos had a blast and despite Hazel's face, she was a real trooper!